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Synth Paste

From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 10:02, 9 June 2018 by Xiphos (talk | contribs) (Notes added. Contraband section added. Propaganda contraband in Gallia. infocard links added)
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Synth Paste
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Cargo Space 1
Decay Rate no decay
Default Price 10

Synth Paste is a proprietary food product of Synth Foods, Inc. that is widely distributed throughout Sirius. Synthesized in research centers, this grey, engineered cellulose plant matter can flourish even in the most harsh and arid environments where it's grown, and later is processed into Synth Paste after being flavored artificially in industrial laboratories. While Synth Paste is very adaptable and can be grown in huge quantities, surpassing typical agricultural techniques, it is viewed with suspicion by some due to its unorthodox manufacturing process. Its sale has forced many regular farmers out of business, but despite the formation of such opposition movements as the LWB and Farmers Alliance, it remains the most popular food product on the market today.


  • Detailed information about restricted / illegal Commodities and licence possiblities can be found here: The Laws of Sirius


The following houses prohibit the possession of this item, and may flag your ship as hostile:
Flag-gallia.png Kingdom of Gallia

Buy/Sell Locations

The following bases either sell the item, or buy the item at a non-default price (possibly lower).


The data listed on this page was generated from the default server configuration files on 9/06/2018. Server-side data may be changed on any server at any time, without any notice to the user community. The only authoritative source for in-game data is the game itself.