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...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Captain Mike Havering
Source Location: Leeds System
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium-High

Right having been informed that a Gaul Cruiser was in Leeds which got the Police all up and Running I jumped into my Figher and got out to see what was actually going on.

When I managed to contact the BPA they where already in New London seemingly showing that Gaul the sights and whatnot, trying to keep the damage at a minimum I made my way there as fast as possible.

But it seemed like Inspector Page had it under control and always kept a loaded Nova aimed at that Gaul.

Just as I wanted to ask a few questions Storm Captain of the HMS-Vindicator called in that Leeds was under attack from a few Capital Ships of the GRN.

I couldn't leave the Frog in New London and head to leeds so I transfered command to Storm and the BPA that was at the scene.
I heard over the comms that they killed all Gauls and didn't have any casualties on our side.

Either way, long Story very short the Gaul with the name "Tim" surrendered his ship and is now sitting in a interrogation Cell aboard the Suffolk awaiting further questioning.

The Boarding Crew sent in from the Suffolk didn't find any tracking devices on the Ship itselfe and disconnected the Core from the ship.
It's now being hauled to Southamton for a more detailed search and analysis of the Ship itselfe.

Also I told the BPA that all further Prisoners of war, deserters and anything similar to that that come from Gallia are to be brought to the York first.

Since we don't wanto make it even easier for them to get into New London with their Ships.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...
Future Operations

Sir Admiral Piett,

I feel your current orders you've given us fall outside of our operational guidelines given by Admiral Deneth Aleski before his retirement. The Sabres are more than capable of dealing with striking the enemy behind their lines. That is the reason why we were formed. That is the reason why I'm sending this transmission.

We will not be following these orders, simply put. The men and women of this Squadron have been ready to put their lives on the line to ensure that Bretonia and her allies come out of this war victorious, and I'll make it extremely clear to you, Admiral...

Not you. Not the Minister of Defense. Not the Prime Minister, nor the Queen, are going to get in our way and try to stop us from doing our best to win this damn war.

Whatever game you're trying to play here, Admiral... it may have worked against the Kusarians during the first Tau war, but it certainly will not work with a fresh, highly trained, more advanced military that cut through Imperial lines like a hot knife through butter.

I told you what we're going to do. Now it's time for you to decide what you're going to do. Either we work together and win this war, or you charge all five members of this Squadron with treason and arrest us. And that won't be good for morale.

- Sabre-1

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: jazady.png]

As you are aware your squad was formed by Admiral Deneth Aleski who took a retirement and is no longer in active service which places his late orders on question. Back then the situation was far more different - scouting behind enemy line was necessary. Now with the knowledge gathered from Alice deFrance and the orders of the Queen, the situation shifted upside down.

The bretonian fleets have new orders which will be executed in few months forward. We are preparing for the worst and because of that we are unable to further reinforce nor assist any squad behind the enemy lines.
Quote:Your new orders are to turn your gaze on the border worlds. The Liberty Navy recently have increased the resources coming to Bretonia. The flow of materials must not be disrupted. These resources are of critical importance for Southampton Shipyard which is our primay source of vessels in this war. Losing resources means reduction of the production which will result in terrible scenarios on the battlefield.
These orders are of priority and that is why they are given to your squad.

Your reconaissance operations in Gallia are officially over. Failure to follow these orders will be taken as an act of insubordination leading to court martial and replacement of the sabre's commander.
It is time for you to listen the Queen's guidence instead to eagerly request to send your own men on a certain death.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]
Future Operations

First and foremost, this squadron was formed by Admiral Aleski and I. He may have retired, but it doesn't mean you can waltz in and use us for your pleasure. His orders are still standing orders until I deem otherwise.

Secondly, it took you this long to realize that the war wasn't in our favor, and only after meeting with a Gallic Princess? Brilliant... not only is our high command blithering idiots, but they're also slow. Stop sitting around behind your fleet and get out on the field and take a look with your own eyes what we're facing each and every day.

Thirdly, really? You want us to baby-sit transports of supplies when our strengths are more or less demanded on and behind enemy lines? Get on the horn and tell Admiral Hale to stop thumb sucking and actually prove Liberty are our allies. Also get someone else to do your baby-sitting, or do it yourself. We are the Special Assignment and Deployment Squadron, the 5th Suffolk Sabres. Not the "Convoy Escort Wing."

What you're attempting to do is devastating to the war effort, our war effort. You should know by now that I don't follow orders that are tactically unsound. You should also know that the last time a court martial was called, the Admiralty board failed to follow through with it and that our pilots allowed me to escape.

As for the Queen's guidance? Screw it. The men and women of this unit know the risks that come with participating within these operations. We all are willing to give our lives for our families, friends, loved ones, and this house to make sure it doesn't become occupied. I'm sure that's more than what you can say for yourself.

I'm not going to bend over backwards and sit on my hands as Gallia ravages our fleet and oppresses our citizens. If that calls for a court martial, so be it. You'll be seen as nothing more than a Gaul sympathizer, and when this war is overwith, and we've lost... Sir. I and the rest of the resistance... will be coming for your head first, if the Gauls don't take it.

Get your act together. You're hardly worth sharing the same title as the Fleet Admirals before you. Sir.

- Sabre-1

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: 2ekjfib.png]

Attention officers of the Armed Forces,
As you already know the former reconaissance team known as the "Sabres" sent multiple accusitions against the Bretonian Goverment with their final reports. Their actions are taken as insubordination and because of that they are no longer part of the Armed Forces.
The Sabre's command decided to disobey orders coming from the board which are blessed and guided by the Queen.
To question such orders is equal to question and insult Her Royal Majesty and Bretonia.
Because of the above, the Goverment agreed their fate to be decided
by the Supreme Court which will be convened very soon.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,
Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]

Encrypted Transmission...

Comm. ID: Commander James (Jimbo) Barnes

Reports to date: 12
Total Flying hours: 142

Transmission Decrypted...
Begin Message...

[Image: MynewBAFPicture.jpg]


Good Morning Sir!

Here is my mission report for 19 December 820 A.S.

First off may I say how disheartened I am to hear that Commander Goodman, Commander Arland and the men under their commands have deserted.

There are times when an officer may disagree with their superiors, but you do not voice it in the mission debrief and you certainly do not tell Her Majesty that she can “screw it!”

You can be assured that the men and women of the Derwent understand our oath and duty to the Crown; these deserters have brought dishonour on the Service, they should have resigned their commissions!

Anyway my report, sir. The Derwent was still undergoing a shake down in Salisbury when we received an all stations call for assistance in the Leeds system, a GRN Fleet had been spotted coming from under the sun, (so much for Commander Goodmans Black Op’ tactics!).

Strangely, very few ships responded to the call for assistance, this misconduct of the deserters has damaged moral, nobody from the 5th Fleet acknowledge the transmission.

We immediately departed for Leeds and rendezvoused with the Pestilence and the Lolax from the 242nd Group.

BPA Inspectors Hone and Page assisted with spotting for us and we engaged the Fleet in the Trade Lanes near Durham Border station; Communications were being jammed by the GRN so we could not contact the York to call for fighter backup.

Sadly the crew of the Derwent are very young and inexperienced, they fought valiantly, but were outnumbered 3 to 1 and the gunners could not shoot down all the torpedoes, the Derwent engines took a direct hit, we lost power and life support was failing; I had to order all hands to abandon ship.

The last I saw of the Derwent , she was drifting near Durham station, hopefully she can be recovered and towed to Southampton for repairs.

We lost 3 hands in the Engine room and 42 are seriously injured with radiation burns; the command crew only suffered some cuts and bruises, our pride has been hurt more.

This concludes my report.

Good day to you Sir!


-[Incoming Transmission]-
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Attention! The following members of the Armed Forces are promoted to a higher rank due to their long and continuing service:

- Douglas Wellington - to Lieutenant.
- Henry Moore, Robert Dzeferson and Luke Walker - to Lieutenant Commanders.
- Hugh Darrow, Dan Robinson and Jeff Bloom - to Commanders.
- George Richard Hall and James Barnes - to Captains.
- Ian Driscoll is promoted to Commodore, Headquarters Battleship Suffolk - 5th fleet.
- And Sir Martin Bridge will be restored to his former rank as Admiral.

Congratulations to the officers. Your country is proud of you!
To all others, a lot more is to be done and in time a lot more are going to be promoted for their bravery.

Admiralty Headquarters, Battleship Harlow
Secretary of the Fleet Admiral.

-[Transmission Terminated]-
- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
To: Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
From: Comm... Captain George Richard Hall
Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds System
Subject: Thank You

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

*George gets a lofty look, even more exalted than the previous*

I must thank you, Sir, for promoting me. Now I can command a large capital vessel, instead of spending what's left of my once high dignity on rather humiliating skill at fighter piloting. If I can, please, ask you to get my command, and also my responsibility over one of the Queen's most magnificent vessel, H.M.S. Orion, until I get into a... "manatee"?

- Signal Closed -
=Incoming transmission=
=Location: Bs Suffolk.=

=Encryption: Low.=

[Image: 290zax1.jpg]

Id: Ian Driscoll Commodore.
To: Armed forces pencil pushers.
Subject: Mandatory report.

Goodmorning another time consuming effort to send the paper pushers a report. At first i want to thank the admirals for the trust they put into me and promoted me to commodore and put me in charge of the Suffolk fleet. I'll promise we will do our best to keep our surroundings save. Next week we will start mandatory drills again to get on our peek efficiency.

Did a short patrol last night to see iff my templar still would fly together with the captains Havering and Barnes we encountered a single freelancer named Lyla.Linn, man did she show us what true fighter pilot skills are. It made me clear i should stick to my bomber and not hope for a career as fighter ace....
[Some people are good]

On a side note, do not expect me to jump on the bridge of a capital ship soon, as bomber pilot i don't see the value in them, give me a good squadron of bombers and most big vessels will flee.

=End of Transmission=
- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
From: Captain George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Southampton Shipyard, New London System
Subject: Assuming Command Over H.M.S. Thunderer

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

Good evening. At the moment, I am standing inside the ship once flown by my elder brother, Charles. As he was overburden by the lack of tea and sandwiches, as well by the crew's strike due to the same thing, he has allowed me to overtake the command, but he will still travel on board, working as my tutor and the leader of the Bretonian Royal Fleet.
I have examined the ship:
She is welded and repaired in rush, as it seems, the electronics weren't in any way, all the unnecessary decoration is still there, although the floors are still dirty, but some parts of the staff are using them as beds in a disgusting manner. Also...

*George taps a wall with his hand. Some showering is heard in the chamber behind, along with some screaming*

The greenhouse watering system is still broken.
Overall, much better than I expected. I have to thank Charles and finally, somehow, establish some order in this ship. I'd better start immediately.

- Signal Closed -