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---Incoming Transmission---
---Sender ID:Lt. Robert Jones---
---Subject: Weekly report, slightly delayed---
OK. This is slightly delayed due to certain circumstances which I won't go in to, however, here's the report on last week.

Well, the day after my last report, I was out on patrol in the Leeds system when I came across a smuggler carrying counterfeit software. He refused to drop it and opened fire on my ship, so I was forced to turn his ship into scrap. A while later, we had a visit from our old "friend" Desert Snow, who attacked my lone bomber. Naturally, I called for help which came in the form of ensign Atkins and a bounty hunter gunboat known as "Stoat". Together, we managed to take down the Desert Snow, although we were unable to find his escape pods. Of course, things couldn't stay quiet after that, could they, and I was just sitting by Leeds when I recieved a distress call from a bounty hunter fighter, also going by the name of "Stoat" (I'm guessing it was the gunboat captain's personal fighter or something). I was too late to stop the molly who was attacking from destroying his ship, but I engaged the molly and ended up getting a lucky shot in with my antimatter cannon, which ended the fight in my favour. After getting repairs and some rest, I found that our resident madman, Salazar Kithe, had sent one of his sabre drones to attack. Captain Hughes, Lt.Cdr Richards and I scrambled to intercept. Richards was having some kind of weapons trouble, and didn't enter the fray, but Captain Hughes was able to destroy the drone, although for some reason, the ship's guncam acknowledged me as the person who made the final shot, despite Hughes doing all the work.
---Attached Images: 5---
Right. The day after that, Salazar bloody Kithe attacked Leeds again. This time he brought his pet battleship. He managed to get away, but I think we put some serius dents in his ship. Hopefully he won't be bothering us for a while. However, one of our reserve gunboats, the Hollyhock, was severely damaged.
---Attached images: 4---

Ok. You know how difficult it is to tell day from night out in space, so I guess you'll understand why I can't give these reports a specific date. Well, the first one involves a molly, who was rather intelligent for a molly and agreed to relocate his piracy to the Kusari opressed end of the system. The second one also involves mollys, but they were more interested in attacking us, and even brought a destroyer. Gilead has already made a report on this, and ao I won't go in to depth, apart from to send a guncam image which proves the destruction of the hostile destroyer. The third involves a Samura idiot in a Ryujin train trying to smuggle Gaian wildlife, of all things. He was destroyed (unfortunately I don't have the records of it) and the wildlife safely taken to the border station in Edimburgh

---Attached images: 5---
---End of report---
**Incoming Transmission: Secure Lines**
**Source: BAF Lt. Roland Gilead;
**Subject: Battle Report(Multiple)

16:52 A freelancer appearing to be hostile announced that he was acting on the behalf of the Kusarians and engaged me. This threat has become quite a nuisance. It is in this officers opinion that something needs to be done about this. Perhaps a meeting with the leaders of the Bounty Hunters Guild to recognize all mercenaries who take up this bounty as hostile across all Sirius.

18:00 hours, open communications by a Molly gunboat in Leeds. The usual blabber was exchanged about Bretonian injustice and such. I took the liberty of calling into action bombers from squadron XPQ-21 to deal with the issue at hand. I was assisted by Ensign Blackstar and towards the end of the fight Ensign Farwyn arrived from the Taus to assist. I am happy to report that the ship was destroyed and most of the crew captured. They await trial by the Bretonian courts as enemy combatants.

18:30 We received notice that there was a Molly Greyhound disturbing trade in New London. After a quick dock to change to Templars, I ordered the squadron to New London to deal with the issue where we found the Molly near the Leeds jump gate holding up a trader. The trader however seemed to be a few marbles short as he opened fire on the Molly and myself. I took some hall damage, but nothing a hammer and some paint cant fix. BPA was there and we let him deal with the trader. I ordered Ensign Farwyn to assist BPA. Let the record show that the merchant was unwilling to cooperate with the police and became hostile again.

As for the Molly, feeling that Ensign Blackstar was anxious to use his training, I let the two of them have a fair duel keeping myself, Ensign Everyman, and Ensign Farwyn on standby if needed. I am pleased to say that Mr. Blackstar performed with flying colors.

**Transmission End**
**Incoming Transmission: Secure Lines**
**Source: BAF|Ens. Alina Farwyn**
**Subject: Battle Report**

This evening, while beginning some overdue R&R at Grimes' Pub on planet Leeds, I received an emergency communique from my commanding officer, Lieutenant Gilead. His transmission was somewhat garbled...not that it was any easier understanding anything with the woman on the karaoke. She sounded like a rabbit caught in a trap...I was only too thankful to have something important divert my attention. The only words I could make out with any certainty were, "...Corsair...","....gunboat", and "Cambridge." His tone was calm, but I knew that for him to request assistance, whatever he was facing couldn't be good. Not even sure where I was supposed to be heading once I got there, I sprinted through the main door, knocking aside a gentleman carrying a pint of something dark brown and delicious looking. I was so focused on getting to the flight hanger my bomber was stationed at...I didn't even think to turn my head around to yell out an apology as he bellowed in protest. As I entered the hanger, I saw fellow ensign Jake Blackstar sprinting to his own bomber. Once we entered the cockpits and undocked we established ship to ship comms with each other. He told me he had received much of the same message I did, with one addition. He thought he had the coordinates from the lieutenant's last known position.

Once the two of us entered Cambridge, we sent a system wide transmission encrypted on a cycling BAF frequency. With a sigh of relief, I received two pieces of good news...Lieutenant Gilead was still alive and Jake and I were heading to the correct area. As we neared our commanding officer's position, we saw the reason he had requested assistance. There was a corsair gunboat whose name was Sicarii[TBH] and a titan by the name of Black.Falcon[TBH]. Lieutenant Gilead was flying his bomber and was under heavy fire from both of them but ordered us to bring down the gunboat while he distracted the fighter. After a few minutes, fellow ensign John Everyman showed up in his templar but went on standby from the lieutenant's orders. Shortly thereafter, the gunboat's hull buckled and came apart. Our coordinated attacks were too much for it. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the final hit, none of the corsairs piloting the vessel could be captured.
Black Box file #42

By this time, the titan had been on our commanding officer the entire fight but was now going on the defensive. After a few short, pointless minutes of attempting to finish what he started, I'd like to think he realized the futility of his efforts before his ship was gouged into two segments.
Black Box file #43

Before the corsair pilot was exposed to hard vacuum for more than an instant, the lieutenant tractored in his pod and told us the pilot would stand trial for his crimes against Bretonia. I was tempted to question his decision. After all that, ejecting the corsair's pod on a collision course with the sun seemed justice enough. But since the lieutenant had suffered the most at their hands, I decided not to say anything. I couldn't imagine how much effort it took Lieutenant Gilead to save the pilot. Now that I sit here, preparing to hit the submit button on this report, I realize he made the right call. Everyone deserves a fair trial, criminal or not.

On a side note, I would like to enter into record that were it not for the exceptional efforts and team work from all members of the squad, we wouldn't be around to celebrate our victory. Now that the threats to the Bretonian way of life have been deterred for the time being, I'm obligated to go back to the pub, find that gentleman, and buy him a pint of his choice.

Ensign Alina Farwyn of squad XPQ-21, Signing Off
*Transmission Terminated*
Incoming Transmission...

Comm ID: Dominic Watson
Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff -- Suffolk
Subject: Battle Report(s)
Encryption Level: High

Good day, Ensign Dominic Watson reporting in.

Have some important things to cover later on in the report, however I'll deal with the reports I forgot to do in the past, due to me being busy with two Armed Forces jobs.

First day of settling into my borrowed Templar. I launched from the Suffolk and headed straight for Leeds. After a few minutes, I hooked up with Ensign Taylor and Ensign Farwell, we headed out to the one of the Leeds smog fields to engage some Mollys, We forced one to retreat, and I took down two. The battle lasted for awhile, I was hailed during the fight and tried to dispatch some other ships to Omega-3 to deal with the trouble there, turns out the other active Ensigns landed and went off doing something else. Which, really made my job harder, as I've worked for dispatch half of my career on the Suffolk.
First Molly Ship
Second Molly Ship
I'll give those Mollys' credit, they're not bad pilots.

Continuing from my first day piloting, I was given an order to escort a Heavy Lifter around in Magellan, after a few minutes I was informed that I was needed over a secured channel in Leeds, I left the Heavy Lifter and used a Jumphole that was opened at the time. Upon reaching Leeds I went directly to the New London gate to await Admiral Nelson, who was coming through. Escorted him to Leeds orbit and informed him of the situtation, that he already knew about, (just doing my job.)

The enemy sent three ships to do a recon on Leeds, they disappeared back to stokes. When it was time to move, I was the first one down the lane, into a swarm of fighters, they weren't exactly within weapons range, but I could see the targeting squares on my H.U.D light up as they blipped closer. That's when I turned and lured them into the wing of Armed Forces ships that entered. We made a break to engage the fighters for the Bomber wing, coming in second. I had them on my tail 80% of the fight after our Bomber wings were repelled.

Fight lasted long and I managed to down a craft in the process, the Steadfast got into the brawl and landed Marines on the station, hearing over the Comm chatter, I actually wanted to be on foot then in space, however I kept my cool and kept fighting, the Steadfast then had to retreat leaving the boarding party alone on Stokes. Luckily, a Civilian transport, Bretonian, was near-by and landed to get them. He managed to get out of the conflict with a few of the marines that survived. If I remembered his name, this lad needs the Carnia's Cross for the act of bravery, or...something.

Second day on assignment, I received a call from a Bishop Murphy, one of those miner lads, telling me of an arguement between a trader and a pirate in New London, my borrowed fighter was in Manchester, so I decided to check it out. Upon arrival to Kensington, I found the Lane Hacker ship floating around. I engaged it and he fled to Southampton, when I caught up he was undocking from the station, Taking into consideration he might open fire on the next trader to pass by, I engaged to take him out. Two tradeships joined into the fray, I managed to down his vessel.

Shortly after I entered Leeds, were I was engaged by an Outcast rebel, one of those "Stray's" we keep hearing about. Ofcourse I gathered as much intel as I could before it engaged me, I say it, because it doesn't deserve being known as a male or female. Very idiotic aswell, engaging a fully armed Templar with hardly any Nanobats/Shield Batteries, needless to say it ate a Mini-razor shot, and disappeared for a good amount of time. I was in a good mood.

Lastly I'd like to finish off my report with a random Corsair that flew into Planet Leeds high orbit with classified intel onboard. Ensign Ashley Taylor, who was currently off-duty at the time helped me down this vessel, moments before it ejected the intel in space were Taylor tractored it in. Then the vessel was destroyed. What this ship was doing so close to Leeds with secured information such as this, really brings questions to my mind. I'm unaware of the intel's orgin, but we've forwarded it to MI6. Hopefully they'll keep it safe and figure out where it's from. Our Armoury transport has the intel report.


Ensign Dominic Watson, Dispatch Coordinator onboard the Suffolk.
Acting replacement for Lieutenant Goodmen.

Transmission Terminated...

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Dominic Watson
Target ID: Armed Forces High Command
Subject: Recognition to a Freelance Pilot
Encryption Level: Medium

I would like to recognize a Freelance trader, who is Bretonian, that used his vessel as a rescue ship to save stranded marines on Stokes Mining Facility at last weeks attack on the station, in attempts to take it over, The Steadfast had to withdrawl after taking heavy hits from a Kusari Battleship patrol which came in to aide the station. The Steadfast, under Admiral Nelson's control, was forced to withdrawl from the fight. Leaving the men stranded on the station. Nelson ordered us to go in and save the men once we were done with the fighting in space.

The man I'm
talking about is Mister Michael Callaghan, A Bretonian Civilian that was passing through Leeds during the time of the fighting, he and his crew of ten (including himself.) went behind enemy lines and landed safely behind the cover of our fighters. Before I knew it, I watched his vessel zip down the tradelane and hearing his voice over the Communications say "Marines secured." I quickly responded with a "Get them to the Derby!" Just as that happened, the last Kusari vessel was downed, and the Marines successfully rescued.

How did Mister Callaghan find out about the Marines?
Mister Michael Callaghan, over heard the Steadfast giving us the order to rescued the pilots, over open Communications. As I said, he went behind enemy lines, landed safely under our fighter blanket, rescued the stranded marines and fled back to the Derby.

I'd like to recognize this man's act of bravery, risking his own crew, his own life, to save the lives of the Marines, fellow Bretonians, men and women dedicated to winning this war.

I'm not bringing ill-will to my own Admiral, Admiral Stanley Nelson, he made a tactical call, that the Marine Colonel knew he would call if things got messy. Admiral Nelson made the right decision. Call me a traitor if you wish, but what's more worth it? The lives of both the Marines and the Crew of the Steadfast, along with that vessel itself? The lives of just the crew? Or the lives of just the Marines? My answer is the lives of both the Crew, and the Marines.

Marines go in knowing they're expendable. But that's not the point, the point is, what we have here is a man, a normal everyday person, like we were before this war, that did what was right, at the cost of his own crew, and his own life. Going in when the Armed Forces couldn't, and rescuing our Marines to fight another day.

What Mister Callaghan did that day should be remembered as a Heroic act, and to remind the people that Bretonia is still fighting, and winning this war. It might not seem that way at first glance, but we are winning. It's only a matter of time.

Why I would like this man to receive a recognition?
This man acted with bravery I've only seen in fellow Officers. While other Citizens cowar in fear because of the war, this one man, stood out and did something for his Queen, and his guardians. He should be awared with a medal, and not a congratulations, not a pat on the back, or shaking hands with the Prime Minister, but a medal.

Uploading Transmission Logs

Transmission Log #1
Transmission Log #2
Transmission Log #3


Ensign Dominic Watson

Transmission Terminated...
--Incoming Transmission--
-Location : Unknown Sector, Hiroshima System-

To whom it may concern.

I am grave to report that I have been captured by a KNF patrol after a long fight in the outskirts of Tau-31. I am being held in an unknown location within the Hiroshima system. They have interrogated me for days trying to get information from me, though you have my promise that nothing of importance has been revealed. Strangely they are letting me send a message to bretonia. They tell me I am scheduled for execution tomorrow evening. I request that all of my posessions be given to my perents, as I have no wife or children. Please express my regrets to them, and tell them that i love them.

Lieutenant Jason Resbane, Signing off.

--Transmission Cut--

//This is a resignation/Leaving post for BAF. Currently I have too many charachters to deal with, some more important than others to the discovery storyline. BAF is a faction that needs to be dropped for the procession of my important characters. It has been fun, but I must move on.
****Incoming Transmission****
>>>Comm ID: Lt Boris McDonald
>>>Location: All Saints Military Hospital, New London
>>>Subject: I have finally recovered!
>>>To: Admiral Percy Nelles

I have just been discharged from hospital after the the malfunction of my weapons systems and navigational computers left me stranded in Tau 31 , I will be back in service within 3 days.
I am currently going to travel to the naval base and requisition myself a new ship, hopefully a better model than the last!

All the best,
Lt McDonald

****Data Stream Ended****
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Soloreth Kest]

Well, pretty plain day. Patrolled Leeds as usual.

A transport (Bumblebee) decided that he would try and run past me towards Kusari with a hold full of gold. I Cd'd him, and he just ignored me... no transmissions at all. At this point we were getting close to Stokes, and with no idea who he was, or whether the ship had a pilot at all, I destroyed it.

He then magically re-appeared from the Leeds docking ring, again no signals at all.

I let him go as his hold was now empty... but the situation was strange.

A few IMG heading to Falkland and back.


[Transmission ends]
...Secret Channel Open...
...Signal found...
...Incoming Transmission...

From: Codename 'IAGO'
To: Bretonian Armed Forces HQ, MI-5, MI-6
Cc: Liberty Security Forces, BHG, CR, IMG

Following informations were collected by me.

1.1. The GST has been hired by an unlawful faction or some unlawful factions to smuggle NUCLEAR DEVICES from System Newcastle (Bretonia), to the Omicrons. Implication of the Corsair or the Outcast faction is obvious. Maybe the two of them are waiting for this highly unwanted technology transfer.

1.2. The GST has already been paid 100.000.000$ for this very sepcial operation. Its leaders CEO John Burton and vice-CEO are planning this convoy at any price. Which means they're ready to sacrifice a whole S-Wing squadron to make sure their freighters will reach their destination.

2.1 The GST convoy will start on July 4 3009 from Newcastle at 9:00pm (GMT/CUT+1). I don't need to tell you where they could get these nukes from, normally. But I have no evidence the GST is getting these devices from the Mollys. Maybe they just stored the material on lawful bases in Newcastle. As you all know, there has been some 'security problems' in Newcastle's safiest official Nuclear Devices Stocking Facilities.

2.2. Security Leader of the GST S-Wing squadron will probably be Lt. Takeshi Kitano, piloting a Raven's Talon for years. He is, like GST Security Adviser Lt. Kusanagi, a former member of KNF (7th special unit 'Kagemucha') and it is not sure yet wether he's lost all contacts to some members of KNF Intelligence.

These may be the last and most precise informations I will be able to collect on that operation.
Alas, I was not allowed to participate in this action and will not be able to help you from inside the Convoy.


...Transmission ending...
...Signal Lost...
...Secret Channel Closed...
... Incoming Transmission...
From: Lieutenant Moritz Karlson
To: the Bretonia Armed Forces HQ
Subject: Blockade runner (?)

Greetings, today I tried to stop a Luxuri Liner near Leeds, wich headed to Stokes. But his captain didn't stop and opened fire on my Templar.
[Image: BAF1.jpg]
The fight was started. I down his shield twice and damage his ship hull. But near Stokes Kusari patrol wing attacked me, and I left the target.
[Image: BAF2.jpg]
Also it seems that the captain have a deals with Corsairs.
[Image: BAF3.jpg]

Karlson out.

...End of Transmission...