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Comm ID: Malaclypse, Shasta Orbital Skyhook

The holographic view changes to the newly renovated Control Center for Shasta's Maglev Lift. A small arc of the Goddess Geode can be seen through the large wraparound "window" of the Control Center.

Fellow Delegates, I commend you on your speedy resolution of the motions before the Council. If further diplomatic "overtures" are required to address any future NFZ violations, I would recommend Delegate Silvan's extensive credentials for the purpose.

Meanwhile, Chairman Archer, I request your indulgence and the Council's attention to a report and proposal that the TAZ's new Ambassador, "Doc" Holliday, has been waiting patiently to present to this body. Thank you.

The image of the Episkopos is quickly replaced by a view of Ambassador Holliday at his Tombstone Ranch on Gran Canaria..
The holographic image fades away as the chamber doors open as Dr. John Henry Holliday himself walks through, dressed in diplomatic robes and well groomed. As he passes Malaclypse, he stops and nods, "I wanted to deliver this in person as a personal thank you."

To the delegates of the Zoner Council, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to address you all on some matters that I have been working on for awhile now. I want to give an extra thank you to my leader, Malcalypse, for giving me the chance to address you all. *nods to Malaclypse*

Most of you know me as Doc but for those who don't, allow me to introduce myself. I am Doctor John Henry Holliday, a member of The Autonomous Zoners, dentist and appointed ambassador by Malaclypse on the matter of Gallia.

Not that long ago, as you all know, the Gallic Council cleared an old path into the Serius sector and unlocked an old house, a house that has been controlled with a heavy hand from it's Royal family. In speaking with some, they welcomed the new opportunities that were in store to include relations with neighboring factions and commerce.

However, this has been overshadowed by the ruling family's hatred of all of Sirius due to a conflict fought a few hundred years ago, a conflict that none of us were alive for and are being held accountable for past actions of others.

Before the Gallic Royal family locked out outsiders completely, I had the privilege of charting the entire system, a system with much beauty and much to offer. I have sampled Gallic wine, Gallic tobacco and have discovered cryocubes, something that has greatly enhanced shipping all around the sector. I have seen unusual planetary formations that some have only envisioned and workmanship of spacecraft that were simply awesome. As I previously said, it has much to offer.

While there, I also had the chance to speak to the Gallic Junkers, a group that many of us have worked with many times before. However, unlike the Junkers we have worked with, they are fiercely loyal to their King which puts a great damper on relations and commerce. They have told me that they require a resource that only we Zoners produce, iridium...and lots of it.

The Royal family itself also needs it for it's production at it's facilities on planet Nevers and Alesia station. But with their lock out of all outsiders, it is inaccessible. That is why I have of my own effort, on the authority of Malcalypse, began working on a diplomatic solution, a solution that I believe will have to include the efforts of the Junkers.

I have begun working with Deputy Jack Crow of the Junker Congress and Ambassador Vladimir Tinkerbell in hopes to make a joint resolution, a resolution that would use our Zoner produced iridium as a bargaining chip as well as pineal amulets produced in my home system of Baffin. They too are sought after by the Royal family. I explained to Deputy Crow and Ambassador Tinkerbell that it wouldn't be an outright embargo as much as it may seem like one. After all, they are our own products and we reserve the right as to who we sell to or not and who transports it. Using this bargaining chip I feel would convince the Gallic Junkers to try and reason with their King to allow us to deliver what they need.

I would also, for the safety of those flying, would propose that only we Zoners are allowed to deliver our products and would like to make to suggest to all that they respect that wish as I have seen [IND] tagged transports in Gallia.

I have also made efforts to make peace and good will with the Royal family to no avail. I have been turned down flat by Lily LaCroix, Chief of Naval Foreign affairs and by Prince Joseph Martius who point blank told me and I quote, As all Sirian's. You're 'group' will be viewed as hostile. Even if you don't trade with the Council, it's best to stay out of Gallia and heed our warnings. If you do enter Gallia, please pray that it's my Guard that catches your ships, and not the Royal Navy. I made further efforts to them and have received no reply. I feel as if they just don't wish to listen. It's a shame, really, that they carry a grudge hundreds of years old.

I am a man that doesn't give up easy and will keep trying. First, I must continue my effort on a small scale before I start working a deal for all Zoners, if such thing is possible. I have tried to show good will, tried to use reason and even asked what I can do for them to show my intentions are real. We aren't criminals with the intent of conquer or plunder as they think we are. We are business people and to a degree, diplomats when necessary who want to set up good relations and commerce. Many of us got away from our former life styles to become who we are.

The Gallic Royal family views our neutrality as greed and nothing more. I find this amusing as they sit upon probably billions of credits that they have taken from the backs of the common folk. For too long now, all too many have viewed us Zoners as "weak" as we choose not to take sides. We get taunted and sometimes insulted despite our good nature. I, for one, have had about enough of it.

My proposal to the Gallic Royal family would be simple, really. First of all, no Zoner warship will enter Gallic space, to include the Orkney system now claimed by Bretonia, another matter which I informed the Royal family of. Also, a list of trade ships and their crews would be presented and anyone wishing to do business with them would have to be considered on a case by case basis and of course, we would have to respect Gallic laws. Anyone in violation would be subject to their laws and subsequently banned from Gallia with re-entry into their space to be grounds for dismissal from the Zoner way of life.

If allowed to, we would be willing to trade much needed iridium, pineal amulets, luxury goods and other items they request for wine, tobacco, cryocubes, halo containment bands and other items only available in Gallia.

Ultimately, I propose the Council take up this matter. It is a great business opportunity for us all. I would propose first that I be allowed to continue my work with progress being reported to Mal and the Council, being able to continue work with Deputy Crow and Ambassador Tinkerbell.

I also propose that we, for now, be the sole transporters of iridium and pineal amulets until such time as a solution with the Royal family can be reached. Perhaps letting foreign shippers like the [IND] know that this is but a temporary move. I know that part of my proposal may be a bit sticky but workeable.

Again, I thank the Council for the opportunity to speak on this matter. I do hope in time, sooner than later of course, that a solution can be found and that I may find help amongst my fellow Zoners if needed. I promise to do my damnedest in this effort and do the Zoner way proud. If anyone has questions, I will stay to take them.

The doctor steps down from the podium before the Council and take a seat near Malaclypse. "Thank you," he says, "I'd like to stay should they have any questions if you don't mind. On other matters, I will be silent."
Destination: Office of the "Zoners Against Slavery"
Origination: Kaira Rin, Anti-Slavery advocate.

Hello, members of the Council of Zoners. Esteemed Councilmen, I come to you with sad news. As some of you across Sirius have heard, I have been leading a campaign against the growing slavery problem. Unfortunately, the campaign has.. Run out of steam.

My nonviolent methods are becoming increasingly ineffective. Pleas for slavers to release their captives are met with violence. Many of my supporters now longer wish to support me, for fear of being killed by vicious Outcasts and their allies.

I come to you now with a... Slightly different outlook. I have been looking to merge my organization with the Zoners Against Slavery. I have a healthy contingent of supporters, but we no longer have the drive, nor the equipment to go against the slavers.

We are civilians, but we have a great ambition to rid Sirius of slavery. We have heard that the Zoners Against Slavery branch has ships, technology.. You understand that we only take interest in this because our members have died in their civilian ships at the hands of cruel slavedrivers.

We are all superb pilots, some of us have served military time. We have three dozen pilots willing to take an active response against slavery. We are not afraid to fight.

I would like to speak with the Director of the ZAS, so I can arrange the merge.. If the party is interested.

Transmission Ended...
Comm ID: Malaclypse

First of all, "Rin", if you're still eavesdropping or hacking or whatever you did to access this frequency, I have searched the Council's database, and do not find you listed as a Delegate.

So, sir, I suggest that you speak to Delegate Lameos of the ZAS, who iS a registered Delegate, about your concerns. Then, if he wishes, he can sponsor you to address this Council.

As to TAZ Ambassador Holliday's presentation, I would request that the Council provide him continued access to this channel, so that he can address any further questions or concerns about his progress and proposal.

Now, can we get back to that matter, hopefully without any further interruptions?

My only concern is that Orkney is included in the "ban" on some Zoner vessels. I would contend that Orkney is not part of Gallia proper, and therefore should not be included in any agreement with Gallia.
Comm ID: Coriko Lameos

Kaira Rin, I am the delegate speaker and manager of the Zoners Abolishing Slavery, I suggest we continue further communication via private channels, i have forwarded the appropriate frequency to you. I believe that sponsorship or further communication via this channel would not be necessary at this time.

With regards to Ambassador Holliday, whilst such matters are at present of little concern to our charitable organisation, I am sure his information is vital to the Zoners as a whole, I shall be in support of him having continued access to this channel.
Comm ID: J.Archer,
Chairman of the Zoner Council.

Subject: Chairman,

Brothers, sisters and fellow delegates,

I have found luck and fortune in gallia,
not in the sense of money,
but in the sense of an wonderfull women,

im resigning my position as Chairman of the Zoner Council.

I propose malaclypse as temporary Chairman, till votings for a new chairman are

I wish you great luck and may fortune visit you.


former Chairman of the Zoner Council.

// ooc: I quite because lack of time and interest, see my sig for more info
To: Zoner Council
ID Trace: Sebastien Coen, Planet Manhattan, New York.


Best of luck with your newly found love former chairman.

I suppose another vote for chairman will be held soon enough?

Transmission End.
Comm ID: Malaclypse


"Cherchez les femme", en? I'll bet her papa is rich.

At any rate, Delegate Coen, "soon" won't be soon enough.

As temporary acting Chair, I hereby open the Floor to nominations for the position of Chairperson of the Council of Zoners.

Seconds will be dispensed with for the purpose of nominations.

All other business and motions are hereby tabled until a new Chair is elected.
***Incoming transmission***
Comm ID: ZonerStoner
Captain name: Mohammad-Sadiq Al Noori

May the peace be upon Zoners and all people of good will alike,

Since there was no response (even thou it's a quite obvious one) I'll take my chances and be the first one to say:

Malaclypse for a Chairman/woman!

Wisdom and reason of the fellow delegate which has been shown over time has convinced me that there are few who deserve this position more then him/her.

This message can be counted as my vote in this matter.

All the best to all of us

Mohammad-Sadiq Al Noori

*End of message*
***Signal lost***
Comm ID: Ivan.Ilyich
Source: Gran Canaria
Destination: Council of Zoners
Encryption Level: 2

Greetings fellow Zoners. Good luck to you, Mr. Archer, in your future endeavours.
As one who seems to have a cool head and rational disposition, we nominate Mr. Nichols of the OSI for the position of chairman of the Council of Zoners.

- Comm officer Tanaka, on behalf of captain Ilyich.