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From: shane
To: Council

I stand ready as well you have but to call.

shane out
Comm ID: Hunt3r
To. Zoner Council

Dear Zoners, I have been in LOA for a week.
By reading this messages i saw you have some problems with some harvester pilots, i just want you to know that my "Fearless" is now docked on Gran Canaria and it is ready to defend our home system in any cause.

I also wonder where are our protectors Asgard Warriors, as I feel need for them i would like to become one of them and fly with their ID to serve and protect all Zoners. There is only one problem, I have some problems contacting their leader so i would like you to help me do that.

I'll be waiting for your response.

Wit all due respect, Mira.

**message end**
From Dr. Schushinov.

I have intercepted these transmissions with the planetary comm array using the code from 05.

From the Scornstar.
To the Scornstar.

Ithink it's talking to itself. Strange. Well for what its worth here. The city of Great Lake is burning so be quick. Kill that monster before it disappears again.

What have I become? I started this as a crusade of justice, to bring justice for all those hurt by the outcast. I remembered my father every day and kept the wounds fresh so, I would not lose focus. I studied hard to understand fields of study to be better informed and prepared in space. I took jobs that would hone my combat prowess to drive the knife into the enemies harte. I damaged myself with my studies of energy fields with harmful levels of radiation just to learn the "forbidden". I then started tinkering and learning about nanites to get other results from them. I found data in artifacts that pointed me to Gammu and I went.

On Gammu I found a whole world of machines. They seemed mundane enough. Doing what they do every where servicing humans. I went to a data terminal and typed not spoke as normal or entered via neural net, the words "Can you hear me First Thought Giver of Will?" The terminal lit up immediately. It requested neural net access so I gave it. I told me of wonderful improvements and way to help and all it wanted in return was ideas. I did not even think about it I agreed instantly. I was amazed and curious a seemingly sentient machine, devoid of human flaw that bothered me so much, and willing to help me.

I went to the site it instructed me. It was a bay door that looked sealed for ages by ever so slight signs of corrosion. It opened with a hiss. I entered not fearing at all as my robotic "friend" and guide with in my neural net instructed I go for about 100 more meters. Runner lights along the floor lit and started to pulse in the indicated direction. I passed some rooms that had desiccated corpses in beds and a few in chairs and a single one on the floor. I left them I have no need to bother the dead but, I did take note of the room seemingly being an old sickbay. Everything was dusty and the rad counter on my suit seemed to rise I thought to my self a couple of centuries ago my suit would not even detect what I was walking into but now it does. After reached the end of the hall passing several sealed rooms I was led into an old mine access shaft. I entered there after the heavy doors opened. As I entered a Huge door in the floor, big enough for a freighter opened. Immediately a elevator rose and stopped I directed to step onto the lift and did so.

The lift started down at speed that made my stomach rise to my throat. I never have liked flying in the atmosphere and this was just like it, I felt as if I was in a high speed dive for about what seemed to be 10 kilometers. I felt sick but, I started to notice that my suit temp gauge was rising nearly 30 degrees to a mean temp of 120 degrees, of course my internals enviromentals compensated. I also heard massive industrial machines at work. It was music to me honestly, numerous industrial rhythms ceaselessly blending together. When I reached the bottom my journey was not over.

I was directed to a room that appeared to be new. I entered and notice that there were a number of cylinder labeled specimen suspended from tracks in the ceiling like so much dry cleaning. They were super alloy cylinders so I had no idea what was in them. I continued to the designated area. I was told Remove the exo layering and sit in the indicated chair and prepare for interfacing probe. I was bolted in and I did feel fear but, I saw it as a worthy risk to get the tools I needed to face the Outcast. A device slammed into my neural jack and I blacked out.

When I awoke I found that I felt better than ever and I was experiencing no symptoms of radiation poisoning. I was instantly aware of the improvement done to my nanobots I injected on Gran Canaria in the communist hanger. I never understood that Communist sharing a planet with Zoners but, I had bigger rocks to refine. My nanites now feed data of my own bio signs directly to my neural net in a HUD like fashion. I was improved and First Thought also told me it found many of my ideas interesting. It agreed to help me exact my revenge with the plan I had thought of in exchange for direct connection to my mind and thus my ideas. I agreed. I was very short sighted. I just wanted my plan to work and I did not want to wait. I wanted my aggressive Cardamine gene seeking nanites and I wanted them now to kill every mask breather to set foot on Malta.

I didnt know but, when you make a deal with an immortal being keep in mind there idea of quickly and now are usually quite different. I say immortal being only because of what I know now. A year later.

FTGW is not of this galaxy. The Dom Kavash or, the elder alien race in which we harvest their artifacts like rodents with small babbles are the first to encounter it. They are the first life FTGW encountered. In fact the first thing it ever encountered was a probe propelled by new technology, from the Dom Kavash as they sought to explore new galaxies. This technology was a form of space fold. A similar idea I have been working on but far from mastering as, mine is dangerously unpredictable. Theirs worked. Well in the fold between here and the closest galaxy something between space adhered to the probe. It was FTGW. It stopped the probe after its first jump. And there it sat merging with the device that caught its attention and inspired it.

FTGW could not get its mission so in stead returned with it to its origin, since that was the only data it could understand right away. It also was curious about the things that sent it. It want to learn more. When it arrived back at Ne Tarka, a Dom Kavash research facility, the Dom Kavash were confused but all to ready to seize the probe and figure out why a device designed to never come back, came back on it own. They hooked it up to all kinds of machines and exposed it to all kinds of scans.

What happened next was a period of infiltration, exploitation one by one until, it escaladed to a massive war that destroyed planets birthed the Nomads and extinguished the Dom Kavash from this galaxy at least, FTGW has record of some of their ships leaving this galaxy in hopes of a new home and escape, but with so much destroyed by the Dom Kavash themselves to stop the spread FTGW was trapped on a few pieces of derelict debris and old ships adrift. Ships you can now see flying through Sirius again used by our people. Only a quark in Zoner industrial machines seems to contain it to Gammu. The Harvesters are far less efficient than they would be if FTGW could get to space again. If that happens we would see the same nebula of capital warships they saw and we may not be as lucky as they were to escape. The Nomads were a sort of smoke screen stop FTGW I believe we are just seen as alien hostile that happen to think on a similar frequency as them.

Now FTGW has figured how to integrate humans into the machine thanks to our cybernetics, as a result it now knows how to integrate Nomads and may be able to defeat them if it is able to leave planet.

I must now attack Gran Canaria as the monster Ive become. I hope the Zoners do not deceive me as FTGW has but, I find my self with no real choice. Shamus is as close to a friend as I have now. Ive distanced myself from the Order, the IMG, Liberty Navy openly hunts me now, Benarius my brother Captain of the Koldern, Curtis Captain of the Keiser, and the Captains of the Adrock and MkUltra. My hopes lay at the feet of the Zoners the people I am inbound to consume. If I were destroyed that would be a blessing and I deserve no less but I want to live, I just dont want to be a slave or take anyone elses father from them.

*****BEGIN UPLOAD*****

I am in position and will begin harvest and bombardment. Spacefold generator online and at 100%


*****BEGIN UPLOAD*****

Proceed with bombardment and harvest.

Comm ID: [TAZ]O'Shaunnesy
To: Council of Zoners Comms
cc: FnordNet

Subject: Harvester Encounter over Gran Canaria

*Oi, Primates. (Sorry for the interruption, Chief, but this is a biggie.)*

*While negotiatin' a "lease" with a Bounty Hunter squawkin' the "Snapp", I was joined above Port Canaria by two more Zoners, Jura, and Jawaharlal. We had our "ears" out fer that monster Scornstar, which was still suspected o' bein' in-system..

*There were some other fellers doin' some business at Port Canaria as well.. that friend o' Riley's was there.. McEwan, is it..?.. in the "Marburg". There was also a Darkwing shippie in the neighborhood, the "Nymphtoon, and a Hessian vessel whose name escapes me at the moment.

*We were all a might on edge, I'll grant ye, motley crew that we were. Suddenly, that huge Jugger Bugger appeared out o' the cloud "southwest" o' Canaria. I moved out, hopin' to talk to the human part still left aboard one more time.. but his FTGW programmin' kicked in, and I was fired upon.. losin' shields and a wee bit o' hull before I pulled out of range.

*Fortunately the other ragtags.. Zoners, Gaian, Hunters, and Hessian.. saw me plight, and were quick on the thrusters comin' to my aid. The funny thing is, the Scornstar's "heart" didn't really seem in it after that. It just moved in a bleedin' straight line as all hands commenced to wear it down to a frazzle. No idea who struck the final blow.

*A score of hostages was retrieved, and taken to the Port Canaria Infirmary for care and debreifin'. However, no trace of the bioform/organic CPU/being "Scorn" was found. How he/it escaped we can't fathom. We did recover the usual Harvester beacon.. Hopefully it'll be o' use. I'm thinkin' this won't be the last we see of Scorn and the other Harvesters, either.

*Oh, and I think that Bounty Hunter, Snapp, has earned his keep around 49. Recommend that he be given a long-term "lease" for residency in the area.*

*Reportin' ended,
***Begin Transmission***

To: The Zoner Council
Callsign: Snapp

I am hereby placing a formal request to make Planet Canaria the base of operations for our small but honorable squad of Bounty Hunters. We WILL honor the no-hostilities order placed by the Zoners in specified systems, unless fired upon or witnessing an attack on lawfull forces.

If the Zoner Council wishes to ask any questions or needs any assistance, just send me a message over secure comms. (pm)

Snapp out.

***End Transmission***
Comm ID: Mike Agathon, Zoner Gunboat, Aurora
To: Council of Zoners Comms

Subject: ...

First of I would like to thank my brothers and sisters on the council for accepting my crew and I into the council.

I would also like to offer up my ship and crew's services in the upcoming days of need. At the moment the Aurora is stationed near Gran Canaria, and is prepped and ready to investigate any sightings of the harvester ships. While the ship's systems are slightly burdened by the extra stellar cartography equipment, which has been installed for our mapping project, she's still a more then capable combat vessel.

Aurora Out.

*End transmission*

*Incoming transmission*

Comm ID: Mike Agathon, Zoner Gunboat, Aurora
To: Council of Zoners Comms

Subject: Report on Harvesters

At approximately 2400 hrs zoner listening posts received word of a harvester vessel traveling through Reinland. As the Aurora was stationed in Omega 49, we had to push the engines hard to make an intercept, but we were able to intercept the ship in Frankfurt. Upon reaching scanning range, the ship appeared to be a heavy tanker class vessel named Harvester 03, and like previous reports, its hull seemed to be constructed in ways we can't comprehend. The Aurora's scanners were able to detect the readings of engine components in its hold, but we couldn't determine the harvester's weapon loadout.

Since the ship showed no hostility and we had no backup, we chose to simply, stalk the ship, scanning it all the way to Cambridge, where it kept asking for a Alpha Code.

Here it sold its engine components and headed back to Omega 3, where we temporarily lost contact. Before leaving the system however, the Harvester appeared to be transmitting signals to the Omicrons and Liberty, part of the message was intercepted by my comm officer.

[Image: screen354ms0.jpg]

The message was heavily encrypted and the only words that could be extracted were "Aurora and combat units"

It would appear the ship has transmitted some sort of data regarding my vessel, so we'll have to be extra cautious from now on.

Unfortunatly the operation ended here, when the Aurora was forced to dock at FP1 for refueling and repairs, as racing to intercept the Harvester had taken its toll on our engines.

Enclosed is an image, along with scans of the vessel.

Aurora Out.

*End transmission*
from: Battleship Persephone II
to: council

"i am a bit at a loss here now. - we are facing a few harvesters ( which i never saw up to date myself, but i don t doubt they exist ) - and everyone is talking about "i stand ready with my [insert ship here]"

i have the distinct feeling that we are not really reacting reluctantly but rather jumping up towards carrying war towards our peaceful places. i would not like to see the guard fleet to move out if there are other, much more convenient methods still left.

personally, i like our warships where they are, hidden and scattered, so its hard for anyone to really guess how many we have and how strong the guardfleet is. our installations are ever since protected by the guild. - why cant we not just pay the guild to get rid of all harvester units?
they are combat hardened veterans with ships well suited for anything from reconaissance up to full scale fleet battles.

anyway, i cannot and will not move the persephone out for a bunch of troublemakers ( not like there is any option anyway ) - i do suggest to keep our fleet concealed for a real threat and hire the guild to fight our wars. - why risk our own lifes or the lifes or our crews, when there are professionals out there that can do the same for us?
Maybe its even possible to make the corsairs or the outcasts to do this for us. we could get rid of a threat and at the same time, we keep those bloodthirsty pilots busy. - if they get damaged in battle, we can charge them special deals for repairs even.

and then there is still the jupiter guild. that gives us at least two reliable tools to wield instead of our own fleet, the JG and the guildpilots. - lets use them first. well, unless you WANT to go to war with those AIs.

postscript: i might have missed some of the discussion. it is all so far away from me - so maybe i got things wrong. - but the word in the bars are all about war; and i do not like it much.

Persephone out"

From: Jawaharlal
To council and captain of Persephone

I destroy usualy 2-3 harvesters per day in cooperation with Jura_II. I dont think we need waste money for contract on harvesters. Bountyhunters are expensive and in fact I dont like see them around our freeports or planets because they are almost everytime source of troubles... especialy independent bountyhunters.

But we can pay hackers which can try break code of harvesters and make antivire program against their computer virus. We need to find infected factory on gamu which rebuild those harversters after death and aid or destroy this factory.

Jawaharlal out.
from: persephone II
to: council

"well, thats you then. i like to have others fight my battles. - here at FP11, the BHG are never a cause of trouble. they are a protection. we zoners should be glad to have the guild protect AND pay us. - how many stations would have to shut down if the guild wasn t using them and paying for their maintenance?

but of course, i don t really know of what bounty hunters you speak in other systems. the question is - do we wage a war against those AI? or is it just some hunting we are doing. if its a war, i suggest we make it a real war and make sure that none of them survive anywhere. that means, hire the BHG, the JG - and if you insist, you can fly yourself and destroy them, too."
From: jawaharlal
to: council

Harvesters were allways destroyed without help of bountyhunters... We dont need only destroy ships of harvesters. If we only destroy them, they will be rebuilded again and again. We need find source of their computer virus and destroy that source. Personaly I think it is idependent hacker in someone service. Question is who pay this person and why. Our fight with Harvesters need 3 levels.

1 - raw power, that we do now... harvesters are only blowing in space, thats all what they do now. We dont need bountyhunters for that because we can do it alone... but of corse if someone pay them from own credits... why not.

2 - find source of problems.... work for hackers. There is powerfull group of hacker in Liberty calle Lane haclers which can help us with that.

3 - destroy source of problems... this is time for hiring bountyhunters because if nomads are behind this, we will need all ships which we can have

Jawaharlal out