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...Incomming message...
...From: Kristina, captain of the corsair gunboat Tinky... Zoners...

So, still no actions or restrictions from zoners side to the hunters that attacked me,and used freeport as base for theattack. hm. so then please, dont scream and dont be angry when i handle things as these with my guns. in other words, when i meet these hunters again, i kill them, and when it will be inside freeport zone, then you can make against me the same action as you maked against these hunters. ...nothing....

...Kristina out ....
from: persephone-II-
to: the council

"only a short notice due to my travels and a longer absence from communication stations. - the reparation payment has been received. - the HAF have payed for all the damage that was done to the station ( 150.000 credits ) - which allowed us to hire a repair vessel and the materials needed.

so we can close this file.

once i have arrived at corinth station, where i am currently headed to - i will review all the recent messages

E.Tate out"
--Incoming Transmission--
--ID: Rashida--

*Banging noises*

"Durn recordin' unit not workin'...oh, darnit, guess it'll 'avta be voice onlee.

"Bleedin' no fire violashuns...why can't folks jus' take dere fights away? Izzit really dat 'ard?

"Alright, first off, dat Kristina person. 'S far 's I can tell from dose guncam shots, four fighters was collected at da 'Port. 'Ardly a "fleet", I mus' say. As fer the actual combat, I dun' see any evidence o' it bein' within 10k o' t' 'Port. Mebbe we should see further evidence?

"Next off, mistah Archer's case. Clear evidence, at least ta me, dat 'is shots was not only passin' close ta t' Port, but I's sure I can see some 'ittin' da 'abitashun modules...I 'opes no one was 'urt. Da statement from dat 'Sair 's also a li'l incriminatin'...

*Sigh* "Y'd think that not shootin' 'd be easier dan blastin' ev'rythin' in sight...I means...surely not pressin' a trigger is easier than pressin' da durn fing?

"People, eh?"

"Alright, ya can turn dis fing off now...OFF, ah..." *Click*

--Transmission Ends--
Incomming Transmission
ID: Oren Sheppard
To: The Council and captain Kristina

I have to agree with miss Rashida. Considering only the evidence presented here i cannot without doubt conclude that the hunters in question were staging for an attack. It seems to me that these hunters were at Freeport 9 for other reasons (as strange a reason getting rid of your old ship by crashing it into the sun might be). Also the evidence Nr:363-1 shows that You, captain Kristina, wanted to be attacked, for whatever reasons. You werent just going somewhere and were ambushed, you moved outside of no fire zone and waited for the bounty hunters to close in while having friendly ships waiting nearby. While there is nothing wrong in that, it does suggest that the confrontation was acceptable by you. If it is not the case, I apologise. As it is now, without any additional evidence or testimonies from neutral witnesses, I see no violation of the rules.

Again this is my opinion only.

Oren Sheppard
Comm ID: I.K.S. Vor'tcha
To: Kristina, captain of the corsair gunboat Tinky

Oh rest assured, Captain, if we witness any violation by any faction around a freeport, Bounty Hunters included, then we will take appropriate measures. The Vor'tcha will be patrolling between FP11 and FP9 for awhile. If we are in the area and know of violations taking place, action will be taken.

Commander Matok
I.K.S. Vor'tcha
Comm ID: F-23 Discordia

Council Delegates,

My Episkopos has recalled me to Baffin. The Chairmanship of this Council is now open for nominations.

I have also been instructed to inform you that Malaclypse has also stepped down from the Council, and the TAZ will be without representation until, as he says "the korsair kvetching" ends.

Good luck to you all,

Mama Dis
**Incoming Transmision**

To: THe Council of Zoners
From: Samuel Nichols - CEO Omicron Supply Industries
Location: Freeport 9

Video feed begins:

A well groomed gentlemen in a suit smiles into the camera, his hands clasped infront of him, and begins to speak

Greetings Zoner Council members, I wanted to introduce myself. I am Samuel Nichols. Once an independent zoner tradeship, I now run the OSI. We are a start up company at the monent, working out of Freepot 11 and Freeport 9. We plan on running supplies to and from these far flug zoner stations. I have already started operations and opened negiotations with my "neighbors". Since most of the supplies that are run out tothe Omicrons are from fellow zoners comming in from house space, I decided that basing a company out here specifically for supplying our stations was sorely needed. Here is a copy of our company chater for you to peruse.

Samuel touches his data screen and a document is transferred to the council

OSI intent thread

With all the recent problems going on out here, I wanted to inform the council that we will be on watch for any issues that may arise. I hope to have our stations well supllied once we have more transport pilots. As of yet there is just myself in the transport OSI-Integrity and another pilot in OSI-Fenix. We shall see you out there.

Samuel touches his screen and the feed ends
**End of Transmission**

[Image: SamuelNicholsOSIsig01sm.jpg]

Incoming transmission
ID: Oren Sheppard
To: Zoner Council

as i have stated in the message on the diplomatic channel, i have placed a bounty regarding the violation of no fire zone around Freeport 9. I feel that in this case the violation is clear. If the Council decides that it should be removed, i will do so immediatelly.

Oren Sheppard
' Wrote:Mal is very much exactly where he needs to be, in full control.

To: Popes, Popesses, Globes 'n Sundry
Comm ID: Malaclypse
CC: Council of Zoners Diplomatic Comms

Well, that's comforting, if rather a "pipe dream"...

However, Kyte, your comments merely reinforce my decision to assign you as "Temporary Autonomous Delegate" to the CoZ. You will be our "TADpole", at least for now.

Of course, it's all moot if no one steps forward to assume the Chair, as Dis will NOT be returning to take the job.

Meanwhile, traffic is getting heavy in Baffin, and there seems to be a rash of cabbages who haven't a clue how to behave in the presence of Goddess, let alone that the TAZ own the place. (That little munchkin *War*Emblem* is a prime example..)

Therefore, I'd like to see more patrols in Baffin, and as they're proximate to our joint, we'll offer our services to the Council in monitoring Freeports 6 and 10 as well. (This might also soothe the poor Corsairs' furrowed brows regarding "favoritism" in our efforts to enforce the NFZ's..)

Now, we won't make our "guests" recite the Pentabarf chapter and verse, but it would be nice if folk at least asked for permission before docking at Shasta. This goes especially for those Zoners who contend they have a "right" to dock on Shasta, as they're our "fellow Zoners". We reserve the right to refuse service to ANYONE, INCLUDING "zoners" who can't be arsed to get the proper IFF.

Any questions? Speak up! I may be in "full control", but I ain't infallible.

See ya out there for Chaoflux!

Comm ID: Mama Dis


I forgot something, Delegates.

As my last official act as Chairglobe, I hereby open nominations and/or statements of intent for the postion of Chairperson, Council of Zoners.

Oh, and you won't be expected to hover in space like a Fnordette. There is actually a chair you can use.

Who's up for it? C'mon, ya namby-pamby primates.

au revoir,