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There is nothing uninformed about my comments. In fact I have the bigger picture in mind when I speak here.

Going by the Juipter Guild's new code of conduct, in my opinion, they have effectively given up their Zoner neutrality by allying with the Corsair Benitez family.

There are bounty hunters in Omega 49 and Molly's all around it. If a Corsair-allied faction owned the system, we would be provoking violence from either side. It would take nothing to start a conflict in that area of space and Zoners would surely be caught right in the middle of it. The JG are not neutral in this regard either, they would likely side with their Corsair allies.

Juipter Guild presence in Omega 49 does not jepordize us at all. Their ownership of the system is another story altogether.
To: The Council of Zoners
From: The JG

That all makes sense and I respect the quite obvious decision. If you read the recent changes that the JG is undertaking, you will know that we will be transforming into something quite different to what we were before, and as I mentioned before, becoming fully integrated into the Zoner way of life. We will continue to base our operations out of Gran Canaria, however we will be thinking of securing a system near by for even greater defence and security. Maybe a system not so great as the homeland itself could be entrusted to us?

Kind regards,


Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black
Location: Freeport 6
Opening link...

Fly through the Dublin/Omega-49 jump hole sometime, Moreno, and check your scanners. Chances are, the first two dozen things you'll see are Corsair Titans and three or four ice chunks. The Corsair presence there greatly outnumbers the Bounty Hunter presence, because last I heard the Corsairs were hired to defend Omega-49.

How would Zoner mercenaries that are friendly to the Corsairs be any worse than Zoners that hired Corsairs?

Hell, I've seen more Corsairs there than I've seen Zoners, in space at least.

But this argument is really entirely useless, because we both seem to agree that the Jupiter Guild should not own Omega-49. We're just arguing over details.

Black out.

Link terminated.
Comm ID: Mama Dis, Ch, CoZ, Port Canaria

*We seem to be mixing apples and cabbages here, Delegates.

*To paraphrase the Prophet Celine, "never pistle while you're whissing".

*If no one else wishes to be heard on the 522nd's request, I will note their application for temporary asylum in Omega 49 as approved. Their tenure and performance will be reviewed in thirty standard days.

*Now, as to the Jupiter Guild's wish to "own" Omega 49, I believe we're all in agreement that Gran Canaria and Omega 49 should maintain its "Freeport" status; and that all registered Zoners have an interest in keeping the system secure and peaceful. Malaclypse and Reggie have agreed to cede the TAZ's "ZoI" status in 49 to the Council of Zoners, for the purpose of establishing a permanent Council Headquarters.

*Perhaps the Jupiter Guild can present an alternative request to the Council.*
Comm ID: Malaclypse, for the TAZ.

You miss the point, Roadrunner. In the past, "Sirius Central" has decreed that Omega 49 is NOT for sale, to anyone. I believe that policy is still in effect. And Mama Dis' use of the term "Freeport" is a fitting description for Canaria and 49. It should be, and should remain, open to not only all Registered Zoners, but for any traders wishing to trade there in peace, without restriction.

I speak from experience with the TAZ, and formally the [~V~], and the [ELF]. Had Omega 49 been for sale, we would have owned it years ago.

I am not entirely unfamiliar with the Benitez family, and the TBH. I sincerely doubt that either family would dream of creating an incident in the system. I'm satisfied that your close ties with the Benitez' will not affect your Guild's ability to remain neutral, in the true Zoner tradition.

I vote yea on the 522nd's temporary asylum; but I vote nay on any attempt by Jupiter Guild, or any other Zoner Faction, to "own" Omega 49. If anyone should have authority over the system, it should be the Zoner Council as a whole.

from: Persephone -II-
to: Council

"now, we can agree that any "ownership" will be denied by a large majority of the zoners, that see Gran Canaria as a symbol of their freedom and independence. - however, it does not mean that the JG cannot maybe purchase omega-50, just next door - and maybe build a station there. (// i don t know if anyone claimed this system or who it is supposed to belong to ) - it does as well not exclude the JG from recognizing a protection mission for this part.

the corsairs are taking up - lets say... policing duties and function as some sort of reconaissance teams for when the brits or the mollys get too nosy. - they have not deployed an army there as we would most certainly not allow the corsairs to move their heavy fleet into omega-49 like they did with battleship Fes in omega-47.

so ... i would not deny an extended protection mission for the JG concerning omega-49 ... and to function as an executive that answers to the council ( as opposed to make their own rules by governing / owning the place ). Gran Canaria is a whole planet with plenty of room for everyone. - you don t need to own a place to protect it. - and you are most certainly more than guests, - as zoners, you partly own the place WITH every other zoner anyway - you just don t own it more than any other zoner.

Elizabeth Tate out."
***Incoming transmission***

From: Zoner exploration/trade ship Jura_II
To: Council of Zoners

I will support Malaclypse:
Yes to 522nd's temporary asylum. And as Tate pointed out, Freeport 10 currently has no active protectors. The 522nd could offer protection in exchange for using it.
No to selling Gran Canaria. That base is home to many zoners and their families. And it is also considered open base, a Freeport for many pilots. Both lawfulls and those with a shady job. But i remember exploring few empty systems near O 49. I'm sure the guild could build a base in there. Of course we could lend several ships to help them build it.

Zoner Jura out

***End transmission***
Comm ID: Council Member of the Jupiter Guild, Dulaptacus
To: The Council of Zoners, all Jupiter Guild members
Topic: Recent system developments and drive for further Guild expansion

First off, might I ask that all Jupiter Guild members following this message forward their thoughts to our newest Diplomat Shimmer and he will handle the rest.

In regards to our system, Miss Tate hit the nail on the head. Discussion throughout the Jupiter Guild has been that we are currently eyeballing a development in Omega-50 (due to recent... Resistence at the aspect of development in Omega-49). Albeit, this discussion hasn't taken much wind as it has just very recently begun. But! If that should fail, I will then recommend looking at an investment in the Taus. Time will tell.

In regards to the coziness between ourselves and the Corsairs, given that the Council of Zoners hired the Corsairs as, as said before, a policing force; I see no iminent threat from them. Given that the Hessians have a very strong grip in Omega-47, I believe that to be more of a threat to our peace since we all know that they aren't exactly chummy. Should the Hessians attack and find the Corsairs under our employ, no doubt they would sink to extreme lows in order to punish the Zoner public.

Take it away, Shimmer!

-Dula out.
The Trader's Guild wises to put forward 2 votes.

1) Declare Gran Canaria and the Omega 49 system the protectorate of the entire Zoner Council. Under the legal and military authority of all registered members.

-- This issue is simple: clearly no one wants to see Omega 49 fall into any one group's hands, we should take steps to ensure it never happens. Corsairs of course are welcome to stay but I feel we no longer need them as a "police force" in that system. It is high time Zoners took responsibility for the defence of their own homes.

2) A voluntary registry of all zoner factions and indies that are willing to serve in the defence of each Freeport.

-- We have bases spread across every corner of Sirius and if one thing is clear, it is that no single group can possibly defend them all. Counting the entire council, there is a massive and powerful military force here and it is time it worked in the defence of Zoner interests. I propose that each faction declare which Freeport(s) they are capable and willing to defend and what forces they can allocate to the cause.

For its part, the Trader's Guild is willing to offer our protection for Freeport 6. Our company headquarters, a Battlestar Advanced, with a compliment of collector agent ships, will be stationed just outside the Freeport and we can ensure regular patrols of our defence wing through the area.

Pending review of our resources we could also offer limited protection to Freeport 9 in the form of defence wing patrols.

We ask the support of our fellow Zoners in these efforts to defend the Freeports we all call home.

The figures at the table exchanged glances at the mention of Omicron Theta. The fact that the "figures" were merely very precise and lifelike holoraphic images did not change the fact that the Delegates "present" were unsure how to answer.

Finally, Malaclypse broke the silence:

Members, we should defer on the topic of Theta to our Delegate from the Asgard Warriors, sister Aurelia. Her organization has been recognized in the past as the defenders of that territory, and as such would have a prior claim.

Mal then looked around the room at the other images present. Never mind that the room he sat in was several parsecs away, in Baffin. The effect of the Council's holographic comm system gave each person the illusion of personal presence at the session.

I applaud the zeal to make Omega 49 a recognized Council sanctuary and headquarters. However, I don't support the idea of greasing any palms for the Deed. I say this for several reasons.

First, Omega 49 has, defacto, been a Zoner ZoI for some years now. It has been home to many of us at one time or another. Some of us have died here. Shamus will attest to that. It seems to me that if it is "ours" defacto, then why should we shell our hard-earned flax for a Deed?

Secondly, I believe that such a joint ownership would ultimately complicate our lives and agendas more than our seemingly amicable and accepted current paradigm.

If it came for a vote today, I would vote to maintain the status quo.