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Brothers and Sisters,

Since Sister Fyre has now officially earned her Zoner Guard Tag, she has gone "black" that is to say she is no longer communicating directly. I've been asked to pass on all messages via my comms network. Encrypted communique' to follow...

*************** TRANSMISSION BEGINS ********************************************

COMM ID: [TAZ]Guard Fyre

I bid you all greetings and good tidings,

I have asked my sister to relay my communications henceforth in the interests of security and simplicity. My main focus here is that of security and prosperity for all of our brethren. I cannot commit myself to any one location as I answer directly to Mal and have been issued no such directive. However, I shall make myself available to all Zoners who require assistance. My home is Shasta at the moment, but I anticipate a move in the not so distant future, when the new guard quarters are completed. Of course, my place is in space, on patrol and to that end, I shall remain fluid.

Regarding an established "safe" zone. I have shared with Sister Kyte, my feeling that a 5km zone standardized would be a step in the right direction. Others may increase this at their own pleasure, but I believe that if we get the 5k zone into the minds of all who may happen upon a Freeport... would present a realistic and maintainable position.

I agree with Jinx regarding the need for secured communications regarding the details of our fleet. To that end, I shall not share my capabilities nor my location or operational status in open channels. I feel this move is prudent and appropriate in the times that we find ourselves in.

Suffice it to say, I am "around" and prepared should the need arise. I thank you all for your support and wish you raised profit levels in the new year to come.




******************* END TRANSMISSION ***********************************************
Comms ID: Mannock Benitez

To: Council

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

I believe that the war with SCRA is finished, from today no capital ship will flight with the Wanderer flag. SCRA will defend us... they are people with a hard ideology but for us their word have force.

The biggest ship in our fleet will be gunboats. For us is a perfect agreement, the maintenance cost of Talion will be directed to our goal: help others.

Sorry for all the problems that we bring to ours Sisters and Brothers... but a new day begin today.

Comms out
From: Mannock

To: Zoner Council

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

I think that the Freeport laws will be applied to all Zoners bases. Its a good work for the security of them.

Another matter, WDR we continue with ours limited caps... SCRA can not guarantee our security (they dont want be traders escorts).

Comms Out
' Wrote:Comm ID: J.Archer,
Subject: fp1 and danny


on the subject danny, I have no relationship with that person, I almost never have seen him,

oke now mores serious things I have completed the fp1 laws with help of the directives,
here is the link towards it: Freeport 1 laws

Archer out.

Comm ID: Lucky LeRoux
Subject: fp1 Rules

Mr Archer... On the subject of FP1 Rules....They look good, I'm sure I can work round them!


' Wrote:Comm ID: J.Archer,
subject: fp1 and danny


on the subject danny, I have no relationship with that person, I almost never have seen him,

oke now mores serious things I have completed the fp1 laws with help of the directives,
here is the link towards it: Freeport 1 laws

Archer out.
Here Ulysses from Freeport 9,

Every one gets FP 11 rules as universal, that's not far from reality but that last announce about FP 1 rules are making me think no rules are written for other stations.
Also I'm present in Omicron Theta system managing corsair's food shipments so I may write the rules concerning FP9, Corfu base and Omicron-74 access.

I'm also too busy with some researches I cannot do more. Someone will have to manage Freeport 5 in Omega 41.

Here a link to the written laws, please contest if needed :

Ulysses, out.
Comm ID: J.archer,
Subject: Freeport laws and ship take-over

members of the Council,Brothers,sisters and delegates,

me and some other zoners on freeport 1 have come to the conclusion that since
freeport 1, freeport 11 and omicron theta have their own "laws" we found a solution
to the non-written rules, we have written them,
here is the link Freeport Basic "laws"

I hope the council agrees, if not, the basics can be changed,

now the other subject,
Since I took command of the Alcmaria Vitrix, my sister Rena Archer took over the trade job on the ship Columbia,
I hope you welcome her the same as you did to me, you can find her mostly between Rheinland and GC,
every 2 days she travels to Crete for some food supply's,

now, I wish you all good health

Greets, J.Archer and R.Archer
Here Ulysses from Freeport 9,

I received a transmission from Aurelia Silvan who disagreed the Omicron 74 restriction purpose.

Being the system where we established our Corinth research station, I would say this system would be restricted except under a zoner escort.
In addition, our guards in this system do not tolerate the visitors that much. Restricting this space would warn our customers about a possible hostile behavior from our guards.

The law about this restriction is also considered as null the time we decide to remove or keep that law.

TO: Zoner Council

Most Honored Members of the Council,

The posting of some "basic" standards is a step in the right direction, in my humble opinion. Fyre has already sent a message of support on the this posting in the appropriate location. If in the Council's wisdom, modifications are in order, of course you have the support of the Y sisters. I am currently on Honshu and am, of course, available for any support. Fyre is somewhere in Liberty space on patrol, pursing our interests there.

I bid you peace,

Comm ID: Malaclypse

Okey.. well let's quit dancing around it, then.

Moved that the "General Freeport Laws" be adopted without revision.

Let's get this gnarly bugger seconded and made official.

As to Omicron 74, I'm not willing to hand control of that Guard System to anyone in particular.

Maybe it's time we moved the Zoner Council's operations there, instead of Port Canaria, and oversee its governance and security as a Body.

from: Persephone-II-
to: the council

"personally i would like the council to meet in omicron-74 at freeport 15 for normal political matters - and at Sparta or Corinth for military matters. - both of those fortresses provide maximum security and those that are not familiar with the systems will most unlikely be able to even penetrate the first ring of mines to get into a close range.

moving political matters away from gran canaria also makes it less of a focus. when it comes to resources, - we have all we need in omicron-74, too... and all the stations are equipped with the latest defense mechanisms and enough supplies to last for a long long time.

about the general laws suggested. - i second the move to publicly announce them once and for all. - most of whats written down has been known anyway - so there s hardly anything new to those that frequently visit the freeports.

local station commanders might adjust these basic laws a little to reflect their unique location, but all in all - i believe that those laws provide our stations with the most reasonable protection while at the same time ensuring the status of a freeport. - i am sure that the IMG that also runs a freeport will employ the same laws sooner or later.

E.Tate out."