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Comms ID: Mannock Benitez captain of [WDR]Nostromo and Zoner Delagate

To: Lt. Commander Jack Malrone

Dear Lt. Commander Malrone,

thanks for your advice, we take the messures to prevent that this situation will be reapeated in the future. If you have evidences of this action, this council will study and trial that "Admiral".

Safe flight and clean skies Lt. Commander Malrone

Comms out

"That is great, with a war over ours heads and one of us (or not, who is that Admiral?) creating more problems" he thinks while pounding softly his head against the table. "I will ask to Commander Martinez that give me Deep Space XIII for a holidays in Nomad space... quiet, at least there I know who wants to kill me"
Comm ID: Quorxnog

This is the trader, Quorxnog. I've heard of the Zoners' recent troubles in Omega-49, on Planet Gran Canaria. I don't know how I can help, but send me a message if you think I can help in anyway.

Transmission ended.
I think we're overreacting, ZAS operations will continue as usual, I'm confident that Omega 49 is secure.

We have the corsairs, planetary defenses, our vessels, not to mention the mighty Juggernaut prepared for such defensive actions. None of my personnel shall be evacuated, not least because of the expense, funds the charity cannot spare.

When all this blows over I'll be glad I didn't waste the fuel as many of my brothers are. We fought off the Harvesters... we can scare off a few upstarts.

Coriko Lameos out

Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black
Location: Freeport 6
To: Jack Malrone, Council of Zoners
Subject: Misconceptions
Opening link...

You appear to be under the impression that the Zoners have Admirals. You'd be more correct to say the Rogues have Admirals - they at least have ranks, even if it is only in an "I have a bigger ship" way.

I'd be inclined to say the damage to his ship and loss of his cargo is punishment enough - and you took care of that yourselves, didn't you?

As for a demand for punishing him... I have a question. If a freelancer fired on a Liberty Navy ship, would you demand that other freelancers punish him? It's the same concept here.

That's all. Black out.
Link unexpectedly terminated. Closing...
To: Council of Zoners
Encrypted by Blackmoon Scrambler v3.1.
Thanks for all the help, Lloyd. <3

Now that my ship's functioning correctly, I can bring some supplies to Gran Canaria. Let's see...

Freeport 6 has construction machines, mining machinery (are there any mining operations in Omega-49?), fertilizers, and cheap food. A Junker here told me the robotic cranes can be reprogrammed to sift through wreckage...

... hey, now that you mention it, Johnny... I didn't notice that message she left. Huh. I'll have to ask her about that.

Oh, this was still on. Right, unless I'm needed, I'm staying up here in the Taus. Watching the Kusari and Bretonians blow each other up is oddly relaxing.

Black out.

Link unexpectedly terminated. Closing...
from: Elizabeth Tate
to: the council

“The assembled team finished their inspection of the bombarded area that was formerly the Coalition base on Gran Canaria. Our experts confirm that the bombardement was indeed a surgical strike executed with utmost precision. The core buildings of the base including subterran installations, network stations and storage buildings were totally destroyed. Crews quarters, spaceport landing fields, docking collars and airfield were also damaged beyond repair.

All in all it appears that we can confirm that the base was 98% disabled. Even the bases infrastructure is mostly destroyed, including fresh water supply and of course the waste disposal system.

Nearby areas of commerce that took benefit from the base suffered minor collateral damage. It appears that 184 people were caught in the blast, cause they were too close to the core of the station at that time for unknown reasons. Several people suffered minor injuries and the damage to buildings and surrounding civilian areas is considered to be moderate. ( broken windows, minor structural damage to buildings and infrastructure of the surrounding area )

Repair teams have already been dispatched to get all the basic systems working again.

In order to use the site of the former base – it will be necessary to fully level the terrain and rebuild the systems. Regarding to the team, it is not worth to use the remains of the base.

At that time it should be said that the Coalition used non radiating ammunition and weaponry to destroy the base. – there appear not to be any long term contamination once the security teams have recovered possible unexploded ordnance devices.

The economy in that part of Gran Canaria will most certainly suffer a critical blow, cause the main customer – the base staff is no longer present. Local politicians will have to reform the areas economic system to prevent it to fall to unemployment.”

E.Tate out"
From: [WDR]Kullman - Oldest Brother of The Wanderers Brotherhood

To: Council Of Zoners

Ok... i see some zoners here willing to send gifts to the SCRA and ask them to continue attacking us, instead of showing a strong position against the attacks.

Aren't we no match for them? Well... that's quite obvious, we got more resources, more pilots and crewmans, better ships, and we can have better equipment, what we don't have is experience and organization.

I think than, if we got a guard, it must be prepared to accomplish their functions, is there a quite old quote, "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum", which means, if you want peace, prepare for war. The best way of remaining neutral is than possible offenders see an extreme prejudice in attacking us. The corsairs allow the Freeport 9 base in Omicron Theta by the Juggernaut hidden in Napo Cloud, and i'm sure SCRA would be more peaceful if we had well trained and equipped armed forces.
Transmission to: Council of Zoners
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh, SCRA
Subject: Declaration of Limited Hostilities

Zoner Delegates, the time has come for those among you to pay for your crimes against the Coalition. From this time on, SCRA pilots and warships are weapons free on the WDR, Jupiter Guild, and the Asgard Warriors (If any remain, and are dumb enough for another shot). Indipendant Zoners, the TAZ, the ZAS, and anyone else I missed are free to go about their buisness outside of Omega-52, provided they don't interfere with our operations.

Comrade Malaclypse, the actions of your Flagheap have neither been forgiven nor forgotten, but the Coalition's command staff have come to the conclusion that the destruction of our transport was indeed an accident, and that the initial fire was provoked by the bad eggs among the Zoners already menacing our evacuation.

Today, we weed out those bad eggs. The Jupiter Guild and the WDR have shown a flagrant disregard for the rules regarding Omega-52, have engaged Coalition ships in the past with no provacation, and show a general disregard for everthing the Zoners apparently stand for. I refuse to allow thousands of my own people to die for nothing, while these scum roam free, assured and safe behind their armour and shields! Remember, scum, that you brought this upon yourselves, and good luck explaining to your allies why they should suffer for your actions!

All Zoners be warned, anyone assisting those named here will suffer the same fate. Leave us to do your bloody housecleaning, and we'll leave you be. Interfere, and it is You that shall be remembered as those who doomed men and women, husbands and wives, daughters and sons to a terrible death in space, fighting for the cowardice of others. The blood, Coalition blood, that you already hold on your hands will pale in comparison to the blood of your own people that will stain you should you aid these scum.

For the Coalition! For a Red Dawn! McIntosh out.

Transmission Terminated
A rather ruffled-looking Rashida appears on the feed. Her hair is driping wet, and not in it's usual dreadlocks.

"Wazzis? An emergency meeting or summat?"

She looks to the side of the camera and appears to be studying something very intently. After a few minutes, she looks back, and begins to speak,

"Well, if 'twasn't so serious, I might find it kinda funee. Dose "Wand'rer" guys goes runnin' around fru someone else's back lawn, an' den 'as the temerity t' complain when da people in questyin get annoyed! An' if dat ain't bad enuff, dese Coalishun fellers goes an' declares open 'ostilities on all o' us? An' den, dose self same folks what started all dis trouble trys ta militarize us!

"Y'know, I may not be one fer imposin' me views on da rest o' da galaxy, in fact, I never liked it, but, when yeh flys unner da flag o' da Zonas, y' 'ave ta take a li'l thought 'bout 'ow yer acshuns gonna affect uvvers dat choses dat flag.

"Now, I ain't got nufink against dose Coalishun fellers, 'ell, I ain't got nufink agin' anyone. An', as far as I can tell, dey's 'umans. So, 'taint like we's got nuffink in common, not like dose Nomads or da toasters from 'while back, so I's sure we can come t' an agreement dat will mutually benefit bofe partees.

"As fer yeh Wond'r guys, mebee yeh should stop makin' freats o' violence an' remember dat we likes ta settle fings peacefully, so da uvver guys can all get back ta shootin' each uvver."

She turns to the side, yelling, "Oi, get dat bleedin' towel over 'ere right now, afore I finds meself anuvver navigator..."
from: Top, commanding officer Flyin'Brick.
to: the council
location: none of your business
subject: SCRA situation

I am concerned. Very concerned. "Grand Admiral" McIntosh's declaration of hostilities against several of our council members reminded me of an old quotation.

"We shall all hang together or surely we shall all hang"

Should we allow registered Zoner members to be threatened and attacked. As Zoners our strength is our unorganised and chaotic unity, indeed one might say our discordian unity. If McIntosh is able to break some of our members into small digestible pieces then who will be next - the Corsairs "accidentally" destroying Freeport 9? We need to resolve this situation quickly.

Perhaps the council should sponsor peace talks at a neutral location between the SCRA and our threaten brethren - with a neutral party providing security for all attendees. The core issues might be able to be resolved "face" to "face" with an open and honest exchange. Should such talks go ahead, the Flyin'Brick will of course provide refreshments for the participants.

Top out.
From: [WDR]Kullman - Oldest Brother Of The Wanderers Brotherhood

To: "Admiral" McIntosh

Copy To: Council Of Zoners

First of all when have we attacked one ship which didn't shooted us before, i will tell to you, never.

Yes the wanderers are zoners, but not into the turn the other cheek thing, if someone shoot us, we will answer, and if the SCRA do it, we won't make a exception.

Zoners are pacifist, but not at any price, if you continue beating us, soon or later we will answer.

You say you attacked the Flagheap cause you saw a zoner fleet facing you when you left Gran Canaria, i remember you than Gran Canaria is a zoner planet, and that means than is the right place to be for the zoner fleets. So, you seen it there, and you started shooting at will. Probably if you were more reasonable, and leave in peace, this situation would never been.

The guilt of all the casualties (in both sides) in last days, is on SCRA side which started the hostilities, starting to shoot, not only over orbiting ships, but on earth facilites too, Have u ever know about explosives?. Just remove the head of a Torpedo, (not nuclear please), call to the Council and ask for permission to make a demolition in a zoner planet, we would be happy to grant it, and explode it, and it will make a big hole in Gran Canaria making quite difficult to recover any facility, anyways we are not interested in SCRA facilities, we got enough resources to buy new ones.

If you, as we, want to stop the hostilities, and to start a no-agression period during the peace conversations, we are open to that posibility. We assume that concept, the peace, isn't in the dictionary of the SCRA, so if you continue shooting at us we will defend ourselves, and i think that's not out the zoner way, anyways remember than most wanderers are not born zoners, some of us have been fighters before, and have been in some lawful and unlawful military factions, and are ready for battle.

// A little of OOC, the roleplay is fine, but some people write in a way that is really impossible to understand, when i see those messages of people who write as in a SMS, i directly go to next...