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Comm id: Tinky[TBH]

message to: captain of battleship Phersephone.

Captain you are sure about the political situation? because maybe you dont know but in last days happend in theta this:

and when this is way how act your our "guardians", then maybe is time to change some things. Because is not acceptable that BH attacks corsairs in theta without word, and without bounty on us (on tinky is no bounty as i know) and then AW attack us only because we are asking how is that possible. (and tinky was destroyed near gamma jh.)

End of transmission.
from: persephone II

to: council

"some of the actions originating from the asgards are, well... embarrassing. but its their business - their ( or at leats formerly their ) system. they insist to be zoner guards, no matter if the zoners want it or not - and they own ( or formerly owned ) freeport 15.

personally, i do not approve their policy, but nor do i approve the hostilities that spread from the corsairs or the outcasts. - however, that is not zoner business. on account of why an outcast battleship came to the freeport - it is not zoner business either, nor should it be made our business.

when it is about outcasts attacking zoners ... well, here is the point when it does become zoner business indeed. mind you, we are far from calling either corsairs nor outcasts our close friends. ( the asgards consider the outcasts friends, but they are not zoners ) - i just find it strange that with the self proclaimed asgards being at close with the outcasts, - and their status of being "zoner guards", that any outcast would attack a zoner vessel. - i would expect the asgards to intervene instantly and put such tendencies down.

if indeed the asgards are zoner guards, they would instantly sever ties with the outcasts and turn agains them, as the outcasts turned against zoners. - but then again........ thats theta business.

here in omicron - delta, outcasts are an endangered species, to say the least. - so i couldn t care less.

persephone out"

Comm id: Tinky[TBH]

to: council

You see what happend, and how we can accept the ceasefire when other sides can attack us without anything, and then attack us your guardians. this is not acceptable. when this happend again, then it will be not good for noone in this part of sirius.

tinky out
Comm ID: Aurelia Silvan

I would appreciate it, Madam Jinx, if you would refrain from speaking about the AW's actions when you know nothing of the politics and relations in the Theta sector. Your ignorance stands out very well in the assumption that we are allied to the Outcasts. We have never been allied to them. We've been on very friendly terms in the best, and continue to have friendly status, but in no way allied. And the Outcasts are subject to the same rules of Theta as everyone else. Corsairs are not friendly, that is the one thing you have correct, and that is, for the AW anyway, because of their past hostility and current actions. Now if you have any evidence or suspicions of an Outcast attacking Zoners that are on the council voting or associates list, than speak their name, otherwise stay out of that which does not concern you and you know little to nothing about.

Benito Huarez, I can say that the AW had no prior knowledge of this battleship's presence, nor did it have our permission to be there. We allow battleships to move through Theta, and even dock stations there, but we do not allow people to base their capital ships from Theta. If this Outcast Battleship has stationed inside of Theta, we will deal with it. If it was simply moving through Theta, then he has made no infraction.

Now, Tinky. I assume since you do not yet know this, your leaders have not yet informed the rest of The Brotherhood. But after The Brotherhood's repeated violations of the peace treaty, by piracy and attacks not made in self-defense against innocents in Theta, a state of hostility stands between the Asgard Warriors and The Brotherhood. The cease fire is still in effect for all other Corsairs. They cannot be shot by others or by AW members inside of Theta, and may still use Theta to move through or to stop for a refueling if needed. However, our members may fire on any TBH inside of Theta if they so wish, or elsewhere if a TBH comes close to them. They have orders not to make any attacks on Gamma however, as we do not wish to make this a war. Brotherhood ships may request an AW for permission to fly through Theta if they want, but it is up to that member to make a decision on yes or no.
Now, Corada should know of this cease-fire, but he may have been indicating only the TBH-AW ceasefire, which is now void, due to the TBH's actions. Also, since the TBH is on the AW's hostile list, others, including Outcasts and bounty hunters, may fire upon you as well. Again, other Corsairs may still enjoy the ceasefire and no-hostility of Theta, and the AW will forbid others to shoot you, but The Brotherhood does not get this protection.
From: Jawaharlal
To: council

Another Harvester destroyed. His number was 10, is must be another copy of harvester killed yesterday. It looks they arent powerful enoug to attack Grand Canaria as say rummors.

Jawaharlal out.

//edit: uuuups ignore my RHA forum account and imagine it is my rasta acc:)
Comm ID: Benito Huarez, Corsair
To: Zoner Council and AW

Thanks for your offer to deal with the presence of this OC Battleship. Btw, he was docked at FP 9 or in close position to and not using Theta just for transition. I will keep you informed, when i will see him in Theta again.
Concerning the recently struggles between AW and TBH i will send a wide spread comm to all concerned.

Huarez out
From the desk of Dr. Alexander Schushinov.

I am truely sorry for the delay of results to the council. We too have been working around the clock and have made results. Unfortunatly the result came at very high cost to my staff and and local security teams, not to mention those lost in the various fire fights with them around Sirus, I'm sure. The salvage brought back from the Jawaraharal, Jura, Denicalus, and from Capt Shane have proven useful to help our progress.

First we disabled the comm array as instructed. Then we took scans of the vessel and determined it was processing people while sitting right there in our bay so, I sent a tech team to open it up right away. Not haveing the normal emergency access terminal we had to cut our way in and this took nearly an hour with high yield plasma torches. We did not get to those people fast enough as it was complete in 15 minutes after landing but we continued anyway. After we cut the cargo bay door open my techs were immeditaly attacked by droids. Labor droids, possibly medical droids, and something not seen by me ever since they are quite illegal Combat droids. They decimated my tech team right before my eyes and there was nothing I could do so, I called security. The security team arrived and then a rather heavy fire fight ensued. When all was said and done the security team kept them from ever leaveing the research bay but they lost 16 troops, and 12 techs. Men and women who gave their life protecting Zoners every where. The ship seemed to thankfully only have a hand full 1 dozen labrers, 1 dozen medical, and 2 dozen combat. We were able to incapacitate a medical droid and 2 combat droids with EMP weapons. I found that these droid are highly resistant to EMP and the combat droids took enough EMP to down a starflier. The droids seem unremarkable except they resemble Zoner built droids and have synaptic network and beacons as well. I found a little too late that the code works on the combat droids as well and it sits in my labratory waiting to be researched. The code seems to only work on one droid at a time however which is quite difficult if battleing multiple droids. If one most battle one of these droids then I would suggest anti armor weaponary or code useage. I also regret to inform the council we had to disassemble the majority of the vessel. We have determined the following.

These vessel are not in fact the ship made by our well known companies or our ship yards but in fact immatations of them. The vessel Harvest 05 bears no stamps of Oder ship yard or any other ship yard. The vessel 05 also seems to be comstructed of less componets than an accual mineing vessel. Giveing the ship an equivalant armor of class 8. A rather hard nut to crack for a utility ship.

Next the ship has no circuitry currently in use in sirius, in fact the circuitry it does have is quite remarkable. The seem a little slow to respond at times but, I believe it is due to the immence amount of communication constantly active. The circuitry seems to be entirely made up of enhanced human synapses which have the ability to send impulses at faster than the speed of light.

The ship has no crew quarters instead it has the same cargo space and a refinery and "micro factory".
The "refinery seemed to be the site of some rather gruesome "things" I will not go into that because the sooner I can forget the better. I will tell you it is like a beast with two stomachs one for the organic and one for the inorganic. It then made use of these materials to repair itself, convert the matter into energy and store it for later use like "fat", or add to its own synaptic network in essence becomeing smater. This seemed to be rather infant. We found the beacon in place and functioning. However due to orders recieved by Mama Dis we did not deactivate it. It seems to be a memory module or inorganic optimizer wrapped in the harte of the synaptic network. We were able to recover from the beacon a code that seems directed to the comm array we took down. The code seems to link this Harvester to other Harvesters it should allow us to listen in on their comms rather easily. I also hypothisize that while this one is active and the beacon in liveing tissue it is unable to transmitt and download into a new hull, but this is conjecture.

If the council has any suggestion on what we should research next please notify me and I will put my teams on it right away.

I also suspect they know where this one is. So, we must maintain our guard and, awareness it seems to be their... I use this term loosely "nature" to adapt. If at all possible please submit more "live" specimens.

Dr. Schushinov out.

Comm Id: Malaclypse

(Copy of Open Transmission to AW and TBH):

To all of you who frequent Theta:

Quit living in the bloody past!

Juan and Benito, I commend you for re-opening dialog. I dare say that the Captain of the Corada will realize the error of his ways. Don't let his actions prevent you from continuing to pursue a peaceful solution.

Sister Aurelia, I would appreciate it if would also recognize these efforts as positive, instead of scratching at old scabs. In addition, there is a new threat that may require the assistance of your Fleet. This evening, the Harvester Juggernaut "Scornstar" entered Omega 49. My trusted Avenging Angel, F-23 Shamus, tried to reason with the entity aboard the vessel, which still shows some signs of human thought. However, the programming it has been subjected to was too strong.

I think we can expect Gran Canaria to be blockaded. I also predict that more of these Harvester units will arrive within the next few days, possibly bearing ground assault forces identical to those which attacked and killed our scientists and security forces earlier today.

Sister, I beg you to put aside your vehemence with the TBH, and send forces in aid of the Council and the Zoner population of Gran Canaria. The TAZ can muster a few warships, but I fear we will need the aid of both the AW and other Independent Zoners to answer this affront on Zoner holdings.

Once we have made Canaria safe again, I vow to do all in my power to mediate some agreement that both AW and the Corsair community can accept, if both sides will accept my humble services.

Malaclypse 666, for the TAZ

From: Alan Groteck, Zoner, RepEx-Shipping868
To: Zoner Council

"Dear Sirs, Madams, and Fnordettes of the council.

It seems that these are ugly times and combat, distasteful as it may be, is upon us. To help us survive I am doing three things, first, my trader vessel will bring food, medical supplies and other such items to Gran Canaria to help withstand any siege, hopefully none is coming but it is best to be prepared.

Second, I will try and convince my friend Victor Remond (with the council's permission) to move his warship, a Rheinland Gunboat, to Gran Canaria, as a deterrent to battle, and if battle were to break out, he would assist the Zoners of course. He has a score to settle with these "Harvesters" and I don't think he'll mind having another crack at them.

Third, I am a highly accomplished computer programmer, I graduated 1st in my class at the New Berlin University. I will take a look at anything you send to me for analysis.

of course, I will wait for the council's permission before doing any of this."

Alan Groteck
From: Jawaharlal
To: Council

I was hunting Harvesters up until now and I willl do it continually now too. If any ship spot me at long range scaners and Harvesters too, captain of that ship can be sure Im on harvester hunt an join me. My comunication is allways on and open, if you spot harvester, contact me and I am ready to rampage. But there is big BUT... my marsflayer cant beat bigger ship like cruisers or destroyer alone. I will need help of any our cap to break harvester blokade if they use their own caps. I can promis you central computer of any harvester aranged like trophy around Grand Canaria docking ring.

Jawaharlal out.