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For the sake of organization, I propose the following 'agenda'. Or at least, something along those lines.

a. Conclude Vote
b. Get things sorted with the Bretonians, possibly a multi-step solution (at the moment, in my opinion, the most pressing matter)
c. Get on with the previous standing agenda:

Item 1: Discussion of TBH "Counterproposal. (Ambassador Holliday)
~In Progress~
Item 2: Invitiation to Admiral Seith to address the Council. (Delegate Salome)
Item 3: Ratification "Convention". (Delegate Duke)
Item 4: Use of Freeport 10 by Highland Security. (Chair)
Item 5: "Penal Code" for NFZ Violations. (Delegate Duke)
Item 6: Amendment to Official Policies. (Delegate Salome)

Item 7: Elect new chief.

Mal said that Doc was the acting Chairman until we could properly elect one, yes? So then, I think we should be able to be guided along through these goals by his hand prior to elections. Unless we want to rush the vote, get a new Chairman, and then carry through. *sigh* So many options...

Just my two pence.

Of course, the Bretonians can be left high and dry for all I care, it'll just give me reason to cut the treacherous kittens up. *grumble*

Paddy O'Donaghue,
Captain of the OSI-Lazarus (III)

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.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Whom It May Concern
Comm ID: Yev Lightwing, Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74

Sounds very reasonable to me.
COMM ID:William Ironfoot
TO: Council of Zoners


I have just returned from ZRT duty during another incursion into Omega-49 by 4 ships of the QCP.

However unlike their last "surprise" attack our ZRT and friends in the OPG and Bounty Hunters and even a Molly, were waiting to repel them with deadly force.

I would like to praise all that were involved on our side for a swift response to the situation and especially thank both the Bounty Hunters and the Corsairs who chose to put asside their differences for the good of the Zoner and Corsair people of Gran Canaria.

[Image: qcp3.jpg]

Unfortuantely one of our ships "NastyKitty(ZRT)", a conference class gunboat, was heavily damaged and crash landed somewhere on the planet. Retrieval crews were despatched immediately after the attack.

[Image: Ironfoot-2.png]
--------Incoming Transmission-----------
---Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia---
-------Federation Juggernaut Midsummer Night Omega 49, Gran Canaria Orbit----

[Image: coolieo.png]


I had also participated in this battle, The QCP first attacked the Gunboat, violating Gran Canarias NFZ. The gunboat was destroyed several Supernova salvos later... Life Pods were seen streaking down into the atmosphere of Gran Canaria.
After the fact, their target was unclear. Two OPG fighters arrived to help, along with a Bounty Hunter Destroyer and a Battleship, though it was obvious their first priority was to collect the bounties...

***Incoming Transmission***
***Connection Established***

To: Zoner Council
From: Xavier Triton
Re: Agenda

Dear members of the Council,

I support Paddy O'Donaghue's proposition for the swift yet steady process of elimination in our affairs. We do need to rap a lot of things up BEFORE we go head first into this conflict. I also propose that due to the gravity of this situation that all records and reports be moved to a seperate channel(//thread), If all these incidents with the QCP and/or Bounty hunters are posted in the CoZ channel then it will most likely just distract us from the work at hand. So I emplore the rest of the council to conclude the latest item on the council's official schedule so that we can move forward. I've already cast my vote.

Also to keep in mind that I definately do not want to push this conflict to the side. I want to be able to put my all into working for its conclusion, I just want to unload the baggage first if you catch my drift.

Capt. Xavier Triton

***Connection terminated***
***Ending Transmission***
To: Zoner Council
ID Trace: Sebastien Coen, Freeport 1, Omega 3.


Discussions regarding recent events should commence on more secure channels.

Transmission End.
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: All Delegates

The vote on the Brotherhood proposal is officially closed.
*starts tabulating votes*

The vote was unanimous in favor of the proposal so, the motion passes.

Shall we get onto the next issue or should we take some time to deal with this QCP mess and illegal bounties?

Comm ID: Frank Zamboni (]c[)
To: The Zoner Council
Source: Planet Gran Canaria


Fellow Zoners,

I have moved some assets home, including myself in my bomber. I will take up defenses of our world in these harsh times. I do not belive in hunting down these nuts wanting to steal our 'nuts' (though maybe it is deserved). However, I will not allow any QCP to come near Zoners. It is a shame that a great Chairman has stepped down, but now Doc I am certain can step up to the plate for the time being. Our current agenda is rather large; we have our work cut out for us, and perhaps we also need to take a moment and really re-evaluate, scrutinize even, our diplomatic standings amongst the diverse groups of Sirius, and calibrate our political balance.

Quote:Shall we get onto the next issue or should we take some time to deal with this QCP mess and illegal bounties?
- Doc

I would give priority to our well-being, but I think we can multi-task! Thanks to you fearless leader!

Best to all,

Frank Zamboni
Comm ID: RFS Freedom

We need to resolve the QCP issue, or more properly phrased, the Bretonia problem, first. Of course, we can multitask.

We still propose the naming of the planet currently claimed as the so-called "Capital" of Bretonia to Planet New Gran Canaria. The planet is currently completely uninhabited. We will continue to hunt down QCP criminals and their enablers until an agreeable situation is reached.

-Jonah Robinson and Crew
From: Louisa Salome, (]c[), Freeport XV
To: Council of Zoners

Great Council,

times of trouble are a touchstone for all of us, thus I can only support swift decisions based on our seasoned tradition to ignore those who are imposing their own problems on our communitiy and to listen to those who are respecting our decisions without pressing us by volatile demands. Taking into account that the QCP might appear from beneath an Australian woman's skirt and vanish there after having sabotaged the relations in the neighbourhood, we should rather try to ignore them on the political level. These are terrorists, nothing more, while history teaches us that every nation having domestical problems will try to create external issues, perhaps wars, in oder to secure the power of their government.

Bretonia's war with Kusari might be the reason for this House to be on the verge of a final collapse. I do not want to see our community to be part of Bretonian problems, but I do not want to see us flatter bored and degenerated aristocrats neither, individuals who are more occupied with exploiting their own proud nation than to serve it. If any of the Bretonian authorities should indicate reason we should at least listen, and judge afterwards if their goals are serving us, them and the unquesionable necessity for peaceful relations.

I suggest to continue with our agenda as planned before the terrorist acts of the QCP have started. I do not think that we will be able to stop them. Please regard them as mere noise in the grander scope of Sirius politics. You all know that Sirius is a dangerous place, and we will not be able to change it now. It is crucial for us to listen to those who are caring for us, nothing more, because this is the only way to separate the wheat from the chaff.
