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**incoming trans**

From: shane
To: council

Thanks to the good timing of the Vendhyan me and my crew were rescued from harvester 08. And beleve you and me the timing couldn't have been better, I almost got 'datasyphoned'.
I was caputred in the puerto rico system while exploring by 2 harvester light cruisers. Man those junkers guarding that system were tough.
as soon as the refiters are done the new ship shane will be ready for action. I'm just lucky they already had an albatross coming off the line and ready for space.
Oh by the way had a run in with harvester 10 in magellan it was able to lure me into the asteroids, but I still took it out.


**end trans**
Comm ID: F-23 Discordia, Shasta Outpost

*Zoner Delegates,

*Reporting safe delivery of the organic remains of subject "Scorn" to Shasta.

*Preliminary examination by TAZscort Fnordie indicates good possibility that subject may be revived and rehabilitated, thereby providing further data on the Harvester collective. Process may take several weeks.

*Relaying report from F-23 Shamus, Freeport 2: Harvesters are indeed engaged in attacks on Zoner Freeports. O'Shaunessy undergoing extensive repair and refit after encouter with Talarca Units 08 & 10.

*Episkopos Malaclypse still unaccounted for. Last transmission from vicinity Edinburgh was garbled. TAZ units now searching for the [TAZ]Mal.

*Mama Dis out.*
Comm ID: Elder Juan Lucendez
To: Council of Zoners
ID Trace: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma system


Greetings members of the esteemed Council of Zoners.

Allow me to get down to business. The Asgard Warriors have started to reinforce their old holdings in Omicron Theta and have fired, and nearly killed, one of my sisters very dishonorably. Although I will acknowledge that the cease-fire has been broken before by several of our brothers, this was done either without the consent of the general Corsair populace, or after the shattering of the Asgard Warriors in the year following their war with the TBH.

I am not here, however, to rant and rave to you about who shot who, or who started what. My main concern is the revoking of the AW's authorization of right to patrol as the Zoner Guard, or their "Zoner credentials" if you will. It is a known fact that many AW members have sided with the Outcasts, or Outcast aligned factions, most notably the Hellfire Legion. Ms. Silvan even admitted openly that many members have close relationships to many Outcasts.

Perhaps the most important change that I would like to speak of before this Council is the cease-fire change. The old, system wide cease-fire was fine a year ago when the AW could patrol the entire system and act like the police of Theta. Now, they barely have enough ships and personnel to man a single battleship or cruiser. Because of this, I would like to put forward a solution. Renounce the cease-fire, but sign a new one that would make an area around Freeport 9 and Corfu Base off limits to any interfaction fighting. This would protect the sizable Zoner civilian population from harm and would still allow us to remove threats from our doorstep without violating Zoner law.

At this time I would like to stress that Theta is a weak point in our defense of Crete. The inability to remove threats one Jumphole away from Gamma has lead to many lives being lost to the Demon enemy. Many see the near-collapse of the AW as a sign that the Corsair populace should move into Theta and take the system for ourselves. This would, obviously, be detrimental to our long-term survival as a people. What I want to do is offer a reasonable solution that would achieve both our goals. Mine of securing Crete, and yours of protecting the populace. In essence, we have the same goals.

I look forward to continued conversation.

//End Transmission.
**incoming trans**

From: shane
To: council
Subject: harvester attack on freeport 2

I happened upon harvesters 06, and 10 attacking freeport 2 in the bering system. Inspite of the tactical surprise all participants were destroyed. I managed to take out harvester 06 before suffering catastrophic damge to my vessel and harvester 10 and I both went up in great balls of fire. Luckily Freeport 2 and what was left of its defenders were able to tractor me and my surviving crew to safety. As well as the other prisoners taken by these 2 machines.

Lesson learned it's dangerous to take on 2 light cruisers without backup, you really need someone to keep one from pounding you while you finish the other off. :$

I am as always ready to offer testimony or questions from the council

**end trans**
Comm ID: Malaclypse, Islay

(An image of a bleary-eyed yet jovial Malaclypse can be seen transmitted over the Council's secure channel. Verdant green plantlife seems to be moving in the background as the image shakes slightly..)

Ahh, Brother Lucendez,

I apologize for my delay in welcoming you to the Council comms. I have been inadvertantly "tied up" for a few days. (Mal gingerly places a hand on his head, and emits a groan before continuing..)

I also apologize for the other traffic which is interfering with your well-crafted and well-thought plea for this Council's time and attention. We have this ongoing matter of engagements with the devilish Harvesters clogging the Council's bandwidth.

I have directed Mama Dis to allocate some unsecured FnordNet bandwidth to alleviate some of this incessant clamor. Forthwith, all traffic regarding this matter will be redirected to the Zoner Tactical Defense Comms.

Now, I beg the Delegates to attend to your proposal regarding Omicron Theta, and continuing negotiations between the Asgard Warriors and the Corsair community, specifically The Brotherhood.

(Suddenly, the picture shakes more violently, and Malaclypse turns as green as his surroundings.)

Ummmph.. now you must *uurrrpp*... excuse me.. I have.. *ewwww* pressing matters...

(Mal's head disappears sideways from the image, and muffled wretching noises can be heard before the transmission abruptly ends...)
from: E.Tate "Jinx"
to: council

"since i myself enforce only a 5k radius around FP11, i think a 10k radius is reasonable. in delta, i only try to maintain the safety radius cause accidental warship shots can damage the station - and warships cannot shoot that far. - if the AW feels like they need the 10k ( so it includes the jumphole to 84 ) its fine.

other than that, i was allready told that my interference and opinion in the theta matter is nither wished for nor will it be considered, so i don t really care much about it. - the AW will do what the AW wants to do. people around don t associate the AWs politics with the real zoner politics anyway anymore.

so i won t vote, but i will advice the AW to limit the neutrality radius to 5k or 10k. - about an official vote. i ll abstain.

~~Datastream continued, comm established~~

As I am a guest in this Council, I have no objections to do what you will. Hearing delegate Silvan is logical and understandable.

I would also like to point out that since this is a closed comm stream, we may all speak our minds even though we may not be able to vote, or don't want to vote. My mind seems to be slightly confused as to the purpose of this Council. If it is a governing body, then Sven's opinion doesn't stand.

If this Council is instead a place where Zoners come and talk, yet doesn't hold any power over the general Zoner population, then Sven's opinion is very valid.

I have come here to seek help in preventing civilians from being killed in a war zone. You will either reign in the AW, or we will crush them. This is not my personal opinion, but fact. I do not wish to jump into Theta with the sole purpose of killing Asgard Warriors; if this Council will not or can not we the Corsairs, will act in defense of our homeland, like so many centuries before.

My interaction with Zoners has been, on the average, very amicable. I wish I could have met you all on different terms, but the weight of responsibility is on me now.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing Silvan's input.

//End Transmission.
***Incoming transmission from somewhere in Leeds***

For what it's worth, I vote for the creation of 10km demilitarized zones around Corfu and FP9. This should satisfy TBH's security needs nor does it significantly interfere with AW's own interests in OT.

Policing the demilitarized zone is an entirely different kettle of fish. Any volunteers?

Now, where is my pizza? Excuse me, waiter...

***End of transmission***
***Incoming transmission***

Since I hail from Omicron Theta, I am all in favor of the 10k demilitarized zones around Corfu Base and FP9. I also volunteer to police the demilitarized area and protect the inhabitants of both bases.

*** End transmission***
Tommyboy here, sounds perfect... Got my vote